The Shattered Spirit (transcript)

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From Wattson's perspective —

>When it was just me and Papa, he taught me about everything from currents and conductors to protons and electrons.

>But he never taught me about betrayal. He once said the world could be cold and harsh. I thought I understood what he meant by that. I realize now there's a lot more to learn about the world.

>Crypto: You think I'm spying for Revenant?

>Bangalore: You're telling me there's someone else out there who can hack your drone?

>Crypto: I... I don't know. There might be a way to hack into... Hack.

>Octane: You named your unhackable drone, Hack? C'mon, amigo. You're asking for it.

>Crypto: We can discuss how bad I am at naming things later. Wattson, I'm not an idiot. If I was the mole, why would I make it so obvious?

>He does have a point. Using his own drone would be foolish if he was the mole.

>Caustic: A convenient argument. Brilliant, in fact. Make it so obvious you're being framed...

>Caustic: ...that your name is immediately removed from the equation. It's marvelous.

>As fingers continue to point, Wraith's portal opens. Mirage, Wraith and Pathfinder return from their mission.

>Mirage: Who wants an Iacom... Idiocom... Path, what's this thing again?

>Pathfinder: An IDCOMS frame! I have one and it helps me talk to you!

>Mirage: Who wants a big mouth? Hey, you guys look super-serious. What's going on?

>Bangalore: Crypto here was just about to explain why he's been spying on us for Revenant.

>Mirage: looks from Bangalore to Crypto... and bursts into hysterical laughter.

>Mirage: This guy?! He's a lot of things, but a spy for the Murderbot?! Gimme a break.

>Bangalore: You're defending him? I thought you hated him.

>Mirage: Hated who? The kid, or the robot? Fine, if I have to choose... the robot has the lead, but only by a hair.

>Pathfinder: Yay, me!

>Mirage: Not you, tin can. The other robot I hate. Crypto's not the supervillain, he's just a twenty-something pain in my butt--

>Wattson: Thirty-one.

>Mirage: A thirty-something pain in my HOLD ON A SECOND. You're a year older than me? And you call me "old man"?!

>Crypto: I don't really think that's important now.

>Mirage: Yeah, scratch that. He's totally a spy.

>Crypto: This is crazy. Why would I help him? What could I possibly gain?

>Caustic: The Syndicate.

>Crypto's face goes white as a sheet. Dr. Caustic is onto something.

>Caustic: You want to destroy them for reasons that are your own. Revenant wants revenge on his former employers. It makes perfect sense for the two of you to pool your resources.

>Caustic: You're the brains. He's the brawn. Together, you'll bring the Mercenary Syndicate to its knees.

>Caustic: You just need the artifact to do it. You have no intention of giving it to Hammond. You're keeping its power for yourself. It all makes perfect sense.

>You can hear a pin drop. And then Crypto says, in a low whisper...

>Crypto: Ani. It's you.

>Caustic: Pardon me?

>Crypto: You've been preparing that speech. It's you who is the spy.

>I look to Dr. Caustic. I know he has issues with other human beings, but this seems like far too complex a web to spin. And for what purpose? Caustic sighs.

>Caustic: I don't need preparation to verbally spar with you. I admire your attempt at circumvention, but it's too late for a bid so desperate. I have no motive, and no reason to frame you.

>Mirage: So what do we do to spies, huh? I've got some ideas, but first, we're going to need a pumpkin.

>Loba: There's nothing to do. Revenant knows everything, and he's coming for me. Nothing changes that.

>Bangalore: If you leave now, you can get off-planet before nightfall.

>Loba: You actually think I'll get that far? He’s probably already at my ship, waiting for me in the shadows. Time to see if all my training is worth a damn.

>Loba starts to leave, but Bangalore stops her.

>Bangalore: Hold up.

>Loba: You’re not seriously going to act as if this wasn't what you wanted all along.

>Bangalore: I didn't want you dead. This whole plan went sideways.

>Loba: Well, we don't always get what we plan for. Do we?

>Loba: Don't worry too much. I'd hate to see you lose sleep over sacrificing one of your own for the greater good... Sergeant.

>She tosses her bracelet out the window, and with a literal flash - she's gone.

>Mirage: Okay, so should I just go get the pumpkin? No? Yes?

>Crypto: Wattson... Natalie... please. I would never--

>Caustic: You have overestimated your own intelligence. She is not falling for your tricks.

>Crypto: MY tricks?

>Gibraltar: Bruddahs, I think we can talk this out.

>Wattson: No more fighting.

>Wattson: I don't care who did it. I just... I just want to go somewhere quiet.

>Wraith: I'll take you, Nat.

>Wattson: Thank you, Wraith.

>Crypto: Wraith, please--

>Wraith: We'll sort this out. You have my word. But for now, she asked for space.

>Crypto nods, and steps back to let us pass. He looks at me with pleading eyes. I don't make eye contact. But I can still feel him looking at me.

>Wraith leads me out, and I think how lucky I am to have a friend like her. Not everyone is who they seem. I trusted somebody I shouldn't have, but I don't know who.

>The world is cold and harsh indeed, Papa... I should have listened. But now I know.

>It's a lesson I'll never forget.