The Broken Ghost (transcript)

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From Bangalore's perspective —

>Truth is, this time, I was the FNG.

>I prioritized myself over the mission. I let my emotions get in the way. I put a target on Loba's back, and this is my way of making it right.

>I position myself from a high vantage above her ship. Auxilliary power is on, so I know she's inside. After a few moments, the hatch opens and she steps out into the night air. She takes a deep breath. Could be her last.

>Loba: I know you're there. I can feel you.

>For a second, I think she's referring to me. Until I see a shape unfurl itself within the branches of a nearby tree, about two hundred meters from me.

>Nearly seven feet of bone-thin simulacrum lands in front of Loba, towering over her.

>She draws her gun.

>Revenant: What - no backup? How disappointing.

>He doesn't know I'm here. Or if he does, he's pretending he doesn't. I don't trust a word that slithers out of his vocal processor.

>Loba: Let's get this over with, demônio.

>Revenant: I prefer to take my time. I've been looking forward to this for so long.

>Loba's slick. I don't even notice the button she presses with her free hand on the side panel of the landing gear.

>Auto turrets appear from the side of the ship, aimed directly at him.

>Oh, yeah. I misjudged her.

>Loba: You'll come back. You'll always come back. But at least I'll have a head start out of here.

>Revenant: Loba, Loba, Loba... you're so dramatic. I didn't come here to kill you.

>Loba: I find that hard to believe. What else are you good for?

>She clicks the safety off as he steps towards her. I have him dead in my sights. Between the two of us, there's nothing that can stop a bullet from taking him down.

>Revenant: I came here to help you.

>Nothing... except that.

>Loba: How stupid do you think I am...

>Revenant: Oh, it's just the opposite. Do you think you're the first person to come looking for revenge? I've been around for over three hundred years. You're not that original.

>Revenant: You're not even the first to use snipers as overwatch.

>Damn it.

>Revenant: But you're the first to actually get a lead on my source code. You're the one who can end all of this.

>Loba: What the hell are you talking about?

>Revenant: Do you know what it's like to take your last breath? Of course you don't.

>Revenant: You struggle, make bargains with invisible gods, but ultimately, you lose, and there's nothing that can stop you from disappearing into the abyss. And if you're me, you get to experience that over and over again.

>Loba: You're... afraid.

>Revenant: You're not listening. They wiped my memory clean, so every time I experienced it, I thought it was the first and only time. Except the program glitched. Three hundred years of death, of fear, of terror all rushed back in a single, solitary second.

>Revenant: It's hell. Every second of my existence is hell.

>Revenant: But the one piece of programming that didn't fail? I can't harm my source code. Physically incapable. Hilarious.

>Loba: So why not just find somebody to do it?

>Revenant: Gotta know where it is first. What do you think I was looking for when I broke into all those Hammond facilities?

>Revenant: Nobody I interrogated ever knew where it was. Until you. You're the one, Loba.

>Revenant: For lack of a better word? You're my savior.

>Loba: ...This is--

>Revenant: This is FATE. I'm going with you. Wherever the source code is, I want to be there when you put a bullet in it.

>Loba: You don't want me to kill you. You want me to... euthanize you?

>Revenant: Three centuries ago, I was supposed to die. Think of this as fixing a clerical error. Putting a ghost to rest.

>Revenant: We both get what we want. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

>Revenant: Just saying the words out loud makes me feel almost... happy.

>Loba doesn't say anything. She stands there, stunned.

>Revenant: I look forward to hearing from you when Hammond sends those coordinates.

>As he turns to go, he barely glances upwards in my direction.

>Revenant: See you on the field, soldier.

>Loba doesn't bother looking my way. She watches him disappear into the night. I drop down to the ground. Neither one of us says a word at first.

>Loba: Missed your shot. You could've taken out "the bad guy."

>Bangalore: Yeah, well...get back to me when you know who that is, and I will.

>Before she can reply, a call is patched through my comm. Talk about bad timing.

>Bangalore: Can't talk, Gibraltar.

>Gibraltar: Then listen. We got the last piece. The faceplate. And you're not gonna believe what this thing actually is. Get back here STAT.

>Bangalore: Copy.

>Gibraltar: And Hammond called. They said deliver the device to the coordinates they sent over, and Loba'll have the location of the source code.

>Bangalore: Solid copy. Over and out.

>Loba looks like she's just been hit by a freight train.

>Bangalore: You heard the man. Mission accomplished.

>Loba: Yes. I'm going to have my revenge... by being the answer to his prayers.

>Bangalore: What are you going to do?

>Loba: For the first time in a long time...

>Loba: ...I don't have a clue.