The Oblivious Mole (transcript)

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From Crypto's perspective —

>I am an idiot.

>I know that's not true. I’m a genius. But the longer Wattson and I spend in the back of Mirage's bar working on the artifact, the more I realize... I'm not even close to her level.

>Crypto: And the Faraday Armature does what exactly?

>Wattson: It does many things, but it mostly acts as a shield against a wide range of electromagnetic and electrostatic interferences, while also providing an ideal resonance environment for the core.

>Wattson: But I don't think it belonged to her. See these pins along the side of the armature? I think it was retrofitted.

>Crypto: Her?

>Wattson: Boys are loud and obvious. This artifact... it's very coy. Mysterious. Definitely a girl.

>Crypto: Aren't you a smarty-pants?

>Wattson: A what?

>Crypto: You've never heard that before? My Mom used to say it all the time. 'Aren't you a little smarty-pants?’

>Wattson: I never knew my mom. She died before my first birthday.

>Crypto: I'm sorry.

>Wattson: Thank you, but I'm not sad. I never knew what I was missing.

>Crypto: You're very direct.

>Wattson: Smarty-pants usually are.

>Crypto: You know... I'm glad Wraith convinced us to see this through. I like working with you.

>Wattson: I like working with you, too. It's fun to boss you around while I'm recovering. Can you get the SCOMP Housing Lifeline and Gibraltar brought back?

>Crypto: Sure. Hack, watch her for me.

>I get up as Wattson looks over at my drone, hovering perfectly still near my chair.

>Wattson: Why didn't you program Hack with a personality?

>Crypto: It's just a drone.

>Wattson: A drone can still have a little fun. You should program it with some jokes. I could help you. I'm very funny.

>Crypto: Johwa, I'll think about it. Where did Gibraltar put the housing anyway?

>Wattson: Dat'a way.

>She giggles, and I can't help it. I smile. Can't remember the last time I did that. "Data" way. Heh.

>I pass through the bar. Caustic is discussing the artifact with Bloodhound. Loba sits at the bar, her gun on the counter in front of her. She's been alone since she got here this morning. No one has said a word to her.

>She's trying to look calm. Put together. But I can see the way she flinches at every sound.

>I see Gibraltar and Lifeline finishing up the repairs on Octane's legs, as their patient lies on the bar. Unlike Loba, they're not even trying to look calm.

>Octane: Gibby, dude, don't you pick up busted people for a living? That's my ankle, not my thigh. Who else's put together all wrong 'cause of you?

>Gibraltar: Haha, like no ankle I've ever seen.

>Idiots... but at least they're entertaining.

>Crypto: Chogiyo, where's the part you brought back from the Void last night?

>Gibraltar: Lifeline's gotcha, bruddah. We're working like a well-oiled machine.

>Lifeline: Ungrateful thing, ain'tcha, Silva? Don' go hasslin' the folks who are willin' to fix yuh when yuh bust yuhself up.

>Octane: Huh, did somebody leave a window open? I feel like there's a bee buzzing around in here.

>Lifeline: I said I was sorry, ya sprat. More'n yuh ever did when yuh were in the wrong.

>Octane: Wow, that bee is REALLY loud.

>Lifeline: How 'bout Gibby leaves yuh to walk around on yuh stumps, hmm?

>Octane: Ha! Then I'll just ride D.O.C. around. You can't hit the brakes on the Octrain.

>Lifeline: So yuh ears do work! I swear, yuh a menace what needs to be locked up.

>Octane: YOU'RE a menace... what... needs to be locked up.

>I share a look with Gibraltar. He smiles. He has a lot more patience than I do.

>That's when we hear it...

>Wattson: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Revenant: I see you're doing well. Shame.

>We all spin around, toward Wattson and my workstation, and are greeted by something... confusing.

>My drone has Wattson backed up against the wall. Revenant's voice is coming through its speaker.

>Revenant: This thing doesn't have sharp edges. What's the point?

>Crypto: Hack, geumanhae!

>Loba: Crypto! What's going on?! How did he hack into the drone?!

>Crypto: I don't know. Hack isn't... hackable.

>Revenant: Got a new message from my little friend and thought I'd check in with my favorite pack of skinbags.

>Revenant: I hear you found something that belongs to me, and I'd like to give you... a piece of my mind. Get it, Wattson? Huh? Get it?!

>Wattson whimpers, as the drone suddenly flies over to Loba.

>Revenant: You thought you were so clever...

>Loba: Get out of my face, demônio.

>She turns away. Hack darts around and hovers an inch from her nose.

>Revenant: You had me tagging along, helping you find the one thing that can destroy me. And just as you're about to get your hands on it... your new friends betray you.

>Loba: Bastard. I'll--

>Revenant: Hold that thought, girlie. I wanna do this face-to-face. I'll see you soon. Very soon...

>Hack drops to the ground.

>Bangalore: Nobody move.

>Loba: Crypto, how many people have been near your drone in the last 48 hours?

>Crypto: No one. Just me and Wattson.

>Loba: You're sure?

>Crypto: Of course I'm sure.

>Wattson: That is not the kind of personality I was talking about, Crypto!

>I look at Wattson. She's shaking. I reach out to console her, but she recoils.

>When she finally looks at me again, there's something in her eyes I don't like.

>It's in everyone's eyes when I lift my head. I know that look.

>Crypto: Wait... you think I did this? Why would I let Revenant have access to my drone?

>Bangalore: You wouldn't... unless you were already working together. Unless you are the mole.

>Yeah, I know that look. Too well.

>I was not prepared for this.