The Liberated Narc (transcript)

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From Octane's perspective —

>If you tell anybody I said this, compadre, I'll deny it... but right about now, I wish everything would just SLOW DOWN!

>One minute I'm on a date, then I'm in the Void, now I'm in the bathroom at Mirage's bar, Wattson's unconscious, everyone's losing their minds...and Revenant's on the ceiling doing his creepy spider thing. And all I know is...

> ...I gotta get in on this action, amigos.

>Loba: How the hell did you get in here?

>Revenant: It's a mystery. Maybe magic. Or maybe the front door.

>Loba: But how did you know where we were?

>Revenant: A little birdie told me. Wraith here knows all about little birdies, don't you?

>Loba: You told him?!

>Wraith: No. Why would I?

>He drops to the ground and I don't know how he keeps his gears from grinding, but he doesn't make a sound. It's creepy. It's way creepier how he's leaning over Wattson.

>Revenant: Looks like there's a mole in your clubhouse, Loba. Skinbags... you just can't trust them.

>Loba: You've been spying on me.

>Revenant: The information came to me. I never asked for it. It's only been a few weeks, and you're already rubbing people the wrong way.

>Revenant: If you want some pointers about winning the gang over, I could've helped. All you had to do was ask. Just remember to say please first...

>Wraith: Cut to the chase. What do you want?

>Loba: That’s obvious. Declare war on the Syndicate and stage a coup, just like his shadow-self did. Or... maybe he thought he'd kill me first.

>Revenant: I'm very busy these days, aren't I? So many choices...

>This punk slides one of his fingers over Wattson's bed sheet. He's messin' with us, so why aren't we messin' with him?!

>Revenant: A month ago, I didn't even know I had a stalker. And now look at us, Loba. Like an old married couple.

>Loba: I don't remember you being this talkative when you murdered my parents.

>Revenant: A lot's changed since that night.

>Loba: You don't say.

>Loba: Look, if you're going to kill me, just--

>Revenant: Oh, if I wanted you dead, you'd already be dead, and they'd all be fighting over your corpse.

>Rev jumps up onto the bed by Wattson's feet. OH, HELL NO!

>Che gasps next to me. Other than Wraith's kunai and Loba's P2020, none of our firepower is within reach.

>Revenant: The only reason you're still alive is because I find this vendetta of yours adorable.

>Revenant: Except now you care about spare parts more than me. And that's got me curious. Why did you change gears so fast?

>Revenant: Are you already bored with me? Because if that's the case, I'll just tear you apart right now.

>He jumps off the bed with a snarl, landing directly in front of Loba.

>Revenant: As for staging a coup... the other me can have his world. I can't think of anything more pathetic than being King of the Skinbags. Besides, you're far more interesting...

>Loba: Look at that. Something we agree on.

>He gets right up in Loba's face, but she's not backing down. This chica's toast, Rev's got his back to me, and I'm tired of standing around! There's an RE-45 across the room. I move to grab it, and--

>Bangalore: Your mama never told you no jumping on the bed, jackass?

>What the--?!

>Revenant: What the--?!

>Bangs, Gibs and BH step out of Wraith's portal, guns drawn.

>Bangalore: Looks like our timing's on point. Let's show this FNG what happens if you don't fall in line, ladies.

>Revenant: You skinsuits ruin everything...

>With one handwave he pulls his totem up from who knows where. Sucker! I can use that, too! I lunge for it, but Bangalore pulls me back.

>Bangalore: Live totem! Nobody touch it!

>COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

>When the smoke clears, Revenant is gone. And so's my shot at some action.

>Loba: Damn it, someone is feeding him information!

>Bangalore: Don't be so dramatic. This isn't some telenovela. The Sim likes to lurk. He could have overheard any of us talking about the missions.

>Bangalore: Doesn't mean anyone's a spy.

>Crypto: Sounds like something the spy would say to throw us off track.

>Bangalore: I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response. Sim's messing with our heads. That's what he does. End of story.

>Bangalore: Report back here at 0-600. And be on your toes, ladies. If that last mission was any indication, this is going to get a lot messier.

>Loba marches out, all kinds of mad, and everybody else shuffles out after. Well, almost everybody.

>I'm loading up my STIM when Bangalore taps me on the shoulder.

>Octane: That showdown with Señor Loincloth got me all charged up, and I have to wait a whole night? This blows.

>Bangalore: Did you get the proof we need to expose Loba?

>Octane: Yup! I got the whole story.

>Bangalore: I need more than a story, I need proof.

>Octane: Yeah, but that Yoko girl was dragging the whole thing out, and then Wraith heard about Wattson, and--

>Bangalore: I need evidence. Not excuses. Go back to the girl. Get what I asked for.

>Octane: I was thinking Mirage could do that, and I could go through the portal instead--

>Bangalore: You're not stepping foot through that portal until I've got the evidence. That's an order.

>She leaves, as I try to think of something badass to say back to her. That's when Ajay slaps me on the back on her way out.

>Lifeline: Quit your whinging, O. So you don't get to play hero. You still have an important job. So what if yuh gotta look like an accountant to do it? Hah!

>And she leaves me alone with no one else in the room but an unconscious Wattson.

>Octane: Do you believe this, Wattson? Che is the closest thing to a sister I have... and right now? I kinda hate her.

>Wattson: ............

>Octane: I didn't sign up to be a narc.

>Octane: And I didn't lie to my best friend and sneak ahead of two dozen people on a transplant list for these legs, just to end up in "pants" and "long sleeve shirts."

>Octane: Say what you want about Revenant, but he does what he wants, when he wants! Why can't I?

>Wattson: ............

>Octane: All I want to do is grab some weapons, and charge in there and kick some ass!

>Octane: It's time to get back to basics. ¡Solamente Octavio! ¡Jump first, think later! ¿Don't you know I'm loco?

>Octane: Last chance to stop me, Wattson.

>Wattson: ............

>Octane: Knew you were on my side. I'm going in and I'm not coming out until I have every last piece of Loba's artifact!

>¿What could possibly go wrong...?