Dust to Dust (transcript)

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Chatroom conversation —

>Octane: psst

>Octane: i said psst

>Lifeline: It's a chat room, Silva. Yuh can just type.

>Octane: and I wanted to type "psst." so what? anything else u wanna criticize?

>Lifeline: What do yuh want? I'm still mad, in case yuh care to know

>Octane: A bigger halfpipe in my backyard and a purple bunny named Flippers. r u joking right now?

>Octane: that head didn't freak u out?!

>Lifeline: Course it did. Dun matter tho.

>Octane: So what are we gonna do about it?

>Lifeline: Gonna keep our mouths shut is what.

>Octane: We're not goin there r we?

>Lifeline: We go where the Games go. Dun whinge bout it.

>Octane: OH HELL NO. We CAN'T. u heard what the head said. "Darion." "Duardo." It knows!

>Lifeline: Stop yuh yellin'.


>Lifeline: It also tried to be a 'wee bit' Scottish. S'gibberish, 'dearie'.

>Octane: how did it know their names? and u know what those numbers mean. don't pretend u don't.

>Lifeline: Yuh can't be sure. Could be nothing.

>Octane: no way. u wanna deal with them? I don't. Just hearing their names makes me want to run. More than I usually want to run.

>Lifeline: If we go to Olympus, we go to Olympus. Buck up. Now I gotta go

>Octane: che? che, don't sign off! che!

>Octane: we gotta tell the others. to them, it's just another place in the Outlands, but to us...

>Octane: ...it's home.

**connection closed**