The Impromptu Kidnapper (transcript)

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From Lifeline's perspective —

>Lifeline: Get yuh sorry bum out here, SERGEANT! We gonna have a CHAT!

>I'm bangin' on Bangalore's front door for a solid three minutes before she answers.

>Bangalore: What is it, Ajay?

>Lifeline: How'd that mission of yuh's go this mornin', hm? See any jump-pads lyin' around?

>I take the folded up letter that was taped to Wattson's forehead and shove it into her hand.

>Lifeline: It's from Silva. Octane, since I know yuh never bothered to learn his proper name. READ IT.

>She does. I know every word she's peepin'. I read it a dozen times on my way here.

>Octane: Hey Che, I finally figured it out. Why you all made me go on that date with Yoko. Sure, you said it was because I already had the date with Yoko.

>Octane: But then I realized it's because you were keeping me from my destiny. My Destiny to Defy Death. My Triple D's.

>Octane: I don't sit on the sidelines well. So I'm going in anyway. Because I'm Octavio Silva and if I die today, at least I went out doing what I do best.

>Octane: So if it's curtains for me today, Che, I need you to know something...

>I snatch the letter back before she can turn it over. That part's private.

>Lifeline: He went into that mess and faced all those prowlers... by himself. Because of what yuh did. And now he's missin'.

>Bangalore: He's Octane. He's probably sitting in a tree, drinking a cold one, and tonight when he gets back, he'll have a nice tan. If not, I'll send an extraction team.

>Lifeline: Yuh gonna send one now, is what'cha gonna do!

>Bangalore: They need recovery time. You of all people should know that. I send them back in exhausted, more get injured. You want that blood on your hands?

>Lifeline: Yuh want Silva's blood on yours? Yuh owe me!

>Bangalore: I don't owe you squat.

>She pushes me back, and slams the door in my face.

>Lifeline: Hey! I'm not leavin'. Get back out here!

>But she's not comin' back. Okay, Che. Ain't got a lot of choices now. Time to do what needs doin'. I patch in to the bar.

>Lifeline: Wraith? Che. I need a thing or two from yuh...

>Wraith gives me everything I need on where to find Yoko. Figurin' the girl knows who I am, but the face she's got when she opens her door don' look like she's happy to see me.

>Yoko: Another one? Don’t you Legends have lives?

>Lifeline: Hey. Yuh probably ain't up for listenin', but I need yuh help--

>She tries to slam the door, but I'm done with doors slammin' in my face today. In a panic, I grab her by the wrist and yank her into the hallway. The door shuts and locks.

>Yoko: You psycho! Let go of me!

>Lifeline: Naw. Yuh comin' with me.

>Yoko: You're not... are you... is this a kidnapping?

>Well, yuh took it this far, Che. In for an inch...

>Lifeline: Yuh seen me on TV. Yuh seen what I can do. Maybe I do worse right now.

>She looks terrified. Not my proudest moment. But Silva's life's on the line.

>When we get back to Bangalore's, I bang on the door for a third time today.

>Bangalore: Now what?!

>Lifeline: Chill out, why don'cha! Yoko, meet Anita Williams. You probably know her as Bangalore.

>Lifeline: Wraith filled me in. How yuh told O that yuh wanted a rare Bangalore autograph.

>Bangalore: I don't do autographs. What in the hell, Lifeline?! This is my home--

>Lifeline: Pay attention! Yuh give her yuh autograph, and she gives yuh dirt on Loba, so I can go save O. Everybody gets what they want, and I don' wanna hear no backchat!

>Lifeline: Maybe yuh don' give a damn about him, but let me tell yuh somethin': he put on pants for you, Bangalore. Sounds damn foolish, but for him that's no small thing. He took yuh seriously.

>Bangalore: Yeah, yeah, and I forced him to go into the portal alone--

>Lifeline: No. Yuh didn't.

>Lifeline: I did.

>And so I show her the back of Silva's note.

>Octane: So if it's curtains for me today, Che, I need you to know something... You cracking accountant jokes tonight hurt the most.

>Octane: Guess this means I get to give you the silent treatment for a change, huh? Doesn't make me feel better though. Maybe a good run will.

>Lifeline: Jus'so, it's my fault. All of it. And I'm sorry. But can we get on with it? There's a fool's life on the line.

>I look down at the ground. D.O.C. whirs next to my leg. Ain't a word said for a good, long time. Then...

>Bangalore: You got something I can sign with?

>Yoko: And I'll tell you what I told Octane. About Loba.

>And she does. She also uploads the transcript of the meeting. It’s everything Bangalore wanted and more.

>Yoko gets her autograph, and I throw in extra for her troubles. When we get back to Mirage's bar, the gang’s all there.

>Crypto and Wattson are attachin' the Retinal Array and-- wait, retinal? Like eyes?

>Lifeline: This thing has eyes?!

>Gibraltar: Hah! I said the same thing.

>Lifeline: Well, no time to twitch about it. Gibby, I need backup. We're goin' after Silva.

>Gibraltar: Gibraltar's always got your back, sistah.

>As I head over to Wraith's portal, I hear Bangalore makin' her move.

>Bangalore: Hey, Loba! We got business.

>Loba: Do we? Fine. We can go somewhere private, if--

>Bangalore: No need. Gather 'round, Legends. I have a little something to share. The real reason we're risking our lives out there. And it's got nothing to do with treasure...

>Seh one. Give her hell, Bangalore. For Wattson. For Silva.

>I'm comin' to getcha, O. And yuh better be in one piece when I get there...

> ...or I'll break yuh myself!