Air Support (quest)

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The subject of this article appears in Apex Legends.

Air Support is the eighth quest of the Broken Ghost quest line.

Revenant and Wraith are not available for selection.


Players start the hunt with the following loadout:

  • Charge Rifle
    • 4x-10x Digital Threat
    • Sniper Stock
    • 2 stacks of Sniper ammo
  • Spitfire LMG
    • 1x-2x Holosight
    • Barrel Stabilizer
    • Standard Stock
    • Extended Magazine
    • 2 stacks of Heavy rounds
  • Body Shield
  • Helmet
  • Backpack
  • 2 Syringes
  • 2 Shield cells
  • 2 Thermite Grenades


  • Eliminate 6 hostiles.
  • Dig up the artifact.
  • Retrieve the artifact.
  • Get to the exfiltration site.


Use high ground to thin the herd.

>Wraith: Snipe from above or drop into the fight. Your choice.

>Wraith: Thin the swarms while I locate the artifact.

Take out the prowlers to clear a path towards the caves while Wraith triangulates the location of the artifact.

>Wraith: Well done. I've located the artifact. Follow your Markers.

Deploy the drill to extract the artifact. Remain cautious of prowlers pouncing from the flanks and rear.

>Wraith: Caves are full of these things. Stay alert.

The caves and the surrounding area are infested with prowlers. The noise will at attract them. Eliminate the prowlers charging at the drill site.

>Wraith: Drillwork's complete. Grab it and let's get you out of there.

Pick up the artifact and head towards the exfiltration site.

>Wraith: Get to the ship but be careful, the path may not be clear.

Get to the exfiltration site to escape before the timer runs out.


AL parietal shell.png
  • Parietal Shell
Dense battery array along ridge would have provided emergency backup power to entire assembly in event of primary power loss - likely for weeks or months.
Sensor Packs on either side gave wide-spectrum audio pickup and localized spatial feedback.
  • Beryl Charm
  • The Unwavering Protector