R-99 SMG

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The subject of this article appears in Apex Legends.

The R-99 Submachine Gun (SMG), or simply the R-99, is an anti-personnel close-quarter Submachine gun employed by combatants in the Apex Games, appearing in Apex Legends. It is a successor to its Frontier War ancestor, the R-97 Compact SMG.

The R-99 features the highest rate of fire in the game, exceeding even the Devotion's 900rpm (once spun up). If a player's aim is accurate, then downing a target will take little time.


Design and performance

Field notes


  • Very high rate of fire
  • High damage output if all shots are landed
  • Quick reload
  • Low recoil and can take stock and barrel attachments
  • Can mount the Digital Threat optic


  • Burns through ammo quickly in extended firefights
  • Strong punishment for missing your shots
  • Low damage per shot
  • Low ammunition capacity without extended magazines
  • Poor accuracy beyond short range
  • Rounds have high dropoff

Apex Legends

The original R-97CN is intrinsically linked with orbital boarding: it was designed to provide heavy fire in confined, low - gravity spaces, essential for the Colonial Navy (the military arm of the Interstellar Colonial Authority) during boarding missions in high orbit. When former members of the Colonial Navy went freelance and ultimately joined the Mercenary Syndicate, the R-97CN was still so beloved that the organization commissioned a new model. Now the virtually indistinguishable R-99 is a common sight throughout the Outlands.
— In-game description.

Weapon attachments

Image Name Description
Laser Sight
Attachment that points a laser from the end of the barrel to the area where the bullet will hit. This also improves hipfire.
AL Extended Light Mag HUD.png
Extended Light Mag
Increases rounds that can be held inside a weapon
AL 1x Digital Threat.png
AL 1x HCOG Classic.png
AL 1x Holo.png
AL 1x-2x Variable Holo.png
AL 2x HCOG Bruiser.png
Close Range Optics
Attachments that give better view of the enemy, can also highlight enemies in red (threat scope only)
AL Standard Stock HUD.png
Standard Stock
Reduces aim sway and shortens weapon transitions


Image Name Description
AL Barrel Stabilizer HUD.png
Barrel Stabilizer
Attachment that reduces recoil. SMGs lost the ability to use barrel stabilizers in Hunted.
AL 3x HCOG Ranger.png
AL 2x-4x Variable AOG.png
Mid-Range Optics
Attachments that allow for mid range engagements


Purchasing Base Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Attachments Base Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Weapon skins

Main article: R-99/Customization

Apex Legends Mobile

Weapon attachments

Image Name Description
Laser Sight
Attachment that points a laser from the end of the barrel to the area where the bullet will hit. This also improves hipfire.
AL Extended Light Mag HUD.png
Extended Light Mag
Increases rounds that can be held inside a weapon
AL 1x Digital Threat.png
AL 1x HCOG Classic.png
AL 1x Holo.png
AL 1x-2x Variable Holo.png
AL 2x HCOG Bruiser.png
Close Range Optics
Attachments that give better view of the enemy, can also highlight enemies in red (threat scope only)
AL Standard Stock HUD.png
Standard Stock
Reduces aim sway and shortens weapon transitions


Image Name Description
AL Barrel Stabilizer HUD.png
Barrel Stabilizer
Attachment that reduces recoil. SMGs lost the ability to use barrel stabilizers in Hunted.
AL 3x HCOG Ranger.png
AL 2x-4x Variable AOG.png
Mid-Range Optics
Attachments that allow for mid range engagements


Purchasing Base Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Attachments Base Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Weapon skins

Main article: R-99/Customization

Update history

Behind the scenes





