G2A4 Battle Rifle

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The subject of this article appears in Titanfall. The subject of this article appears in Titanfall Online.

Despite recent advances in weapons technology, the older G2A4 semi-automatic rifle remains a favorite of special forces units due to its high damage and extremely precise fire—a testament to its high level of craftsmanship.
— In-game description.

The G2A4 Battle Rifle, or simply the G2A4 Rifle, is a Pilot anti-personnel semi-automatic battle rifle manufactured by Lastimosa Armory that appears in Titanfall. It has since been succeeded by the G2A5 Battle Rifle present in Titanfall 2, and the G7 Scout found in Apex Legends.



The G2A4 is a semi-automatic battle rifle, chambering the hefty 6.19x97mm LEC cartridge. The IMC eventually phased out the G2A4 and replaced it with the R101-C Assault rifle,[1] though it still remains in service amongst special forces units due to its reliability and precision.[2]


The G2A4 is a semi-automatic high damage battle rifle used by Pilots. Capable of downing Pilots in 3 body shots or 2 head shots at any range, it is an incredibly consistent weapon. Fulfilling a specific niche between the assault rifles and sniper rifles, it has the ability to remain competitive at mid ranges against assault rifles, while still being able to take on sniper rifles at range. Close range combat should be avoided due to the G2A4's slow rate of fire. Trigger discipline is needed with this weapon against distant and/or highly mobile targets, as it has enough recoil to slightly offset your aim.

Design and Performance

Field Notes

  • The G2A4 Rifle is the old school weapon in the mix of weapons. It is one of the few semi-automatic weapons in the game and does high damage but has a low magazine capacity. With its high accuracy, this weapon is great for long-range battles.
  • Consider using this weapon on open maps with long sight lines such as Nexus or Training Ground. Adopt a sniper-like approach to engagements with Pilots. Tailor your engagements to medium/long range to take advantage of this weapons superior range against R-101 carbine users.
  • The smaller magazine makes this weapon less effective against minions. You don't want to get ambushed by a Pilot when you're taking out minions since you'll most likely run out of ammo and have to reload. If you’re going to kill Grunts or Spectres, keep your distance and watch out for incoming Pilots.
  • The Match Trigger will increase its fire rate from 420 RPM to 720 RPM, a 71% increase. This makes the weapon more competitive at close range. However, this comes at the cost of long range effectiveness, as the weapon's recoil is increased. Reloads will also become somewhat more frequent, as the rifle's magazine size is decreased from 14 rounds to 12.
  • The Suppressor will keep you off the mini-map, allowing for more liberal use of this weapon against minions without the fear of reprisal from Pilots. However, your killing power with this weapon will be severely compromised against Pilots, as it will require one extra bullet to kill at all ranges. Because this weapon has a slower rate of fire and is more reliant on single shot placement compared to the other Assault Rifles, this will make you less effective overall.
  • The Extended Magazine mod is perhaps the best overall mod for this weapon, as it will increase rounds per magazine from 14 to 18. Allowing for more prolonged use before reloads, and having no negative effects on your effectiveness in battle.


  • Consistent damage across all ranges.
  • Semi-automatic fire allows it to shoot as fast as the player's trigger finger.
  • Recoil is low. Allowing for consistent follow up shots.


  • Small magazine capacity.
  • Requires a tempered trigger finger for precise accuracy, as firing too quickly causes mild weapon kick.
  • Easily countered by aimpunch

Weapon Attachments

Image Name Description Unlock
Iron sights.png
Iron Sights Factory issue gunsights are cheap and reliable, but visibility through them can be somewhat limited. Default Weapon Sight
HCOG The Holographic Combat Optical Gunsight has an open sight picture, making it easier to acquire and track targets, particularly in the vertical. The gunsight is fixed at 1.85X magnification, and includes integrated ammunition readouts. The Expendables (III) Challenge: Kill 50 Grunts
Holosight The Holosight’s optics are fixed at a 2.1X zoom factor. The sight picture is designed to induce a tighter visual perception, making it effective both at range and in close quarters. The Holosight is equipped with an integrated ammunition readout. The Expendables (II) Challenge: Kill 25 Grunts
AOG The AOG, or Advanced Optical Gunsight, is fixed at 2.4X magnification, and includes an integrated “current magazine capacity” readout with a backup numerical display. The AOG is ideal for combat at extended range. If It Moves... (III) Challenge: Kill 50 Enemies

Weapon Mods

Image Name Description Unlock
Extended magazine.png
Extended Magazine This mod increases the ammo capacity of the weapon, making it so that you don’t have to reload as often. Machine War (II) Challenge: Kill 25 Spectres
Match trigger.png
Match Trigger This mod allows you to fire the weapon as fast as you can pull the trigger. This lets you smoothly transition between firing precise single shots at range, and firing rapidly at close-quarters. Top Gun (II) Challenge: Kill 15 Pilots
Mod suppressor.png
Suppressor This mod reduces the firing noise and muzzle flash of the weapon, making it ideal for taking your enemies by surprise. If It Moves... (II) Challenge: Kill 25 Enemies


If It Moves...

Image Tier Criteria Reward
Challenge weapon kills.png
Kill 10 Enemies 500 XP
Challenge weapon kills.png
Kill 25 Enemies 1,000 XP, Suppressor Mod, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge weapon kills.png
Kill 50 Enemies 2,500 XP, AOG Attachment, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge weapon kills.png
Kill 100 Enemies 5,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge weapon kills.png
Kill 200 Enemies 10,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card

Top Gun

Image Tier Criteria Reward
Challenge pilot.png
Kill 5 Pilots 500 XP
Challenge pilot.png
Kill 15 Pilots 1,000 XP, Match Trigger Mod, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge pilot.png
Kill 30 Pilots 2,500 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge pilot.png
Kill 50 Pilots 5,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge pilot.png
Kill 75 Pilots 10,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card

Machine War

Image Tier Criteria Reward
Challenge spectre.png
Kill 10 Spectres 500 XP
Challenge spectre.png
Kill 25 Spectres 1,000 XP, Extended Magazine Mod, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge spectre.png
Kill 50 Spectres 2,500 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge spectre.png
Kill 75 Spectres 5,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge spectre.png
Kill 100 Spectres 10,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card

Off the Dome

Image Tier Criteria Reward
Challenge headshot.png
Get 5 Headshots 500 XP
Challenge headshot.png
Get 15 Headshots 1,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge headshot.png
Get 30 Headshots 2,500 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge headshot.png
Get 50 Headshots 5,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge headshot.png
Get 75 Headshots 10,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card

The Expendables

Image Tier Criteria Reward
Challenge grunt.png
Kill 10 Grunts 500 XP
Challenge grunt.png
Kill 25 Grunts 1,000 XP, Holosight Attachment, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge grunt.png
Kill 50 Grunts 2,500 XP, HCOG Attachment, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge grunt.png
Kill 100 Grunts 5,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge grunt.png
Kill 200 Grunts 10,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card

This Is My Weapon

Image Tier Criteria Reward
Challenge time played.png
Use Weapon for .5 Hour 500 XP
Challenge time played.png
Use Weapon for 1 Hour 1,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge time played.png
Use Weapon for 1.5 Hours 2,500 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge time played.png
Use Weapon for 2 Hours 5,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card
Challenge time played.png
Use Weapon for 3 Hours 10,000 XP, Amped G2A4 Burn Card


  • The magazines are visibly marked, indicating the G2A4 fires a fictional "6.19x97mm LEC" cartridge.
  • Design-wise, the G2A4 might be inspired by the real-life M14 EBR (Enhanced Battle Rifle).
  • Like many weapons in the game, the G2A4 Rifles has been signifcantly buffed in the fourth update of Titanfall. Unsilenced, it now can kill a pilot in 3 shots instead of 4. The kick produced by firing has been reduced and its mag size has been upgraded to 12 rounds per mag instead of 8 when the match trigger attachement is used.
  • Oddly enough, the magazine of the G2A4 is only 96mm long, so it is nowhere near long enough to accommodate a 97mm cartridge.



  1. Titanfall 2 concept art - G2A5 Battle Rifle (File link)
  2. Titanfall weapon description

External links