Arc Star

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The Arc Star is a type of throwable ordnance introduced in Apex Legends. At its base, it is a reimagining of the Frontier War-era Arc Grenade, with a stronger payload and redesigned with the form factor of a throwing star similar to the Firestar and Gravity Star. A precise throwable explosive that is used extensively by the Legends that compete in the Apex Games, it sticks to any surface it connects with, including bodies, and detonates with an explosion of disruptive arc energy.

Mechanism and Operation

Arc Star HUD Icon

At the centre of the device is an energy coil and battery that is the main source of the explosive burst. Pressing the button at the middle activates the battery and charges up the coil. Once thrown, the star will stick to any surface it strikes, including another person. The impact triggers the coil to become unstable and after a 3-second delay, the star explodes violently in a burst of arc energy.

Any combatant in the immediate blast radius of the Arc Star's explosion has all their shields stripped outright, regardless of the quality of the Body Shield equipped. When an Arc Star latches onto a combatant, it does 15 pierce damage and cannot be removed. If the player has no Body Shield, the star will deal 70 damage to their health at the epicentre. All targets are also stunned for up to 5 seconds, which causes the affected to suffer from impaired vision, vertigo, lower aim sensitivity, slower use of healing items and reduced movement speed.

Anyone inside the peripheral blast radius loses anywhere from 25 to 50 shields and take 30 damage to health if they have no Body Shield equipped. They are also not stunned compared to the ones caught in the immediate blast radius.

Like all ordnance in the Apex Games, a participant can carry up to two Arc Stars per inventory slot. Compared to other available ordnance, the Arc Star is designed more specifically to soften and cripple enemy targets with the arc explosion, shredding shields and stunning victims so they cannot easily escape or fight back effectively and are more susceptible to immediate follow-up.