Arc Weaponry

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Pilots being hit by an Arc effect

Arc Weapons are a type of directed energy weapon system employed in the Titanfall Universe. They are generally used for anti-robotic purposes, and can be deployed in many different kinds of weapon system.


In principle, Arc Weaponry operates along the lines of a "lightning gun", appearing to shoot electricity at a target. This effect is capable of "jumping" from target to target, and is capable of chaining together multiple targets, making a very efficient crowd-control weapon. Smaller robotic targets, such as Spectres and Stalkers, will often be stunned by the effects of an arc attack overloading their components temporarily, freezing and falling over. Larger mechanical targets such as Titans and Reapers will not suffer from the effect as much; Titan optics will scramble temporarily and will suffer from a slower movement speed for a few seconds. Titan Bodyshields will deplete very quickly when subjected to fire from Arc Weapons.

Human infantry targets, on the other hand, are not as suceptible to Arc Weapons. For lower-powered weapons, the effect will often simply stun and do moderate damage. This effect can affect the optics employed in Pilot helmets. For higher-powered weapons such as the Arc Cannon, the Arc effect will instantly cause the target to explode, possibly due to heating up the bodily fluids inside the target.

Arc Weapons

An Arc Cannon making short work of Grunts.

Infantry Weapons

Titan Weapons



  • The Ark exhibits several visual effects similar to those produced by Arc Weapons.
  • In the first game, Arc energy is accurate to the state of the player's HUD. If the player's Pilot visor is switched off, they will only experience a white flash with no electronic scrambling. This can only be seen when boarding the evac dropship, or entering/exiting a Titan.