Ajay "Lifeline" Che

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The subject of this article appears in Apex Legends.

Never quit. That's how you win.
— Lifeline

Ajay Che, also known by her alias Lifeline, is a playable Legend in Apex Legends as a field paramedic and competitor in the Apex Games.


Combat Medic

Ajay Che, aka Lifeline, isn’t someone you would expect to find in the Apex Games. Once the child of wealthy war profiteers, she left home when she learned of the damage her family had caused and enlisted in the Frontier Corps, a humanitarian organization that aids Frontier communities in need. She’s since devoted her life to helping others and joined the Apex Games to fund the Frontier Corps with her winnings.

Since no one in the Games is innocent — they all know what they signed up for — and every one of her victories means help for those in need, Lifeline has no problem engaging in the popular bloodsport. Or so she tells herself. She may seem sarcastic and callous, but deep down she wants to help people and make the world a better place. If that means taking a few people down in the process, so be it.


Ajay Che was born in 2709 on Olympus, Psamathe to Cherisse Che, a powerful Psamathian with ties to the Mercenary Syndicate & Darion Che, CEO of Chevrex. She grew up in the floating city of Olympus, she was close friends with Octavio Silva AKA Octane, with the two attending the same schools and parties during their early lives. When Octane's pet rabbit, Navidad died, Octane sought comfort in Ajay and she performed a improvised eulogy at Navidad's funeral. She additionally often baked cookies with her father.

The Dark Secret

In 2728, Ajay Che and Octane attended a Chevrex gala in celebration of the company’s latest drone facility. That night, Che discovered the truth about her parents: they were war profiteers, taking advantage of the constant conflicts in The Frontier for a quick gain. After the event, she accompanied Octane, who was journeying to Solace for a gauntlet competition.

Drumming for the Flyer Liars

After arriving on the planet, the two entered the Paradise Lounge for a drink, but left immediately after being utterly repulsed by the atmosphere. They entered another venue, where they stayed and watched live music. Che greatly enjoyed the sound and attitude of the music, and eventually met one of the performing artists, a punk rock band known as the Flyer Liars. As Octane left, she stayed behind with the band. The band’s drummer encouraged her to begin practicing drumming, and Che demonstrated natural proficiency.

Joining the Frontier Corps

As time went on, Che began to fill in on drums for the band when the regular drummer was absent. She later accompanied the band to a charity event on Psamathe, run by the Frontier Corps. At that point, she returned home and officially swore off her family, taking some clothes and her medical drone, D.O.C., before leaving for good.

Che additionally joined the Frontier Corps, helping to bring humanitarian work across The Frontier. At some point, she assisted a mercenary veteran who often wrote to her afterward, calling himself her biggest fan.

Family Business

Four months after leaving her parents for good, Che served in a battle with the Frontier Corps. Noticing a shortage of medical supplies in the Corps' field hospital, she contacted Octane for assistance. Despite initial claims that his father was donating medicine, Octane had truly brought Che along to raid a Silva Pharmaceuticals compound and steal the supplies.

The two entered the compound seamlessly and made their way to a storage room, where they began to fill their bags with Silva products. However, Octane was nearly apprehended by two guards, but was saved by quick action from Che. Despite this, the two had been caught, and a swarm of security drones arrived to corner them. The two were able to escape their grasp, and bombastically made their way out of the compound, flying away with wing suits.

After returning to the hospital and delivering the supplies, they were confronted by Cherisse Che and Eduardo Silva, who had witnessed the heist. Ordering her daughter to come home, the two attempted to have their guards open fire on the patients in the hospital as a lesson to her prodigal child. However, this was thwarted when Octane began to livestream the hostage situation which would inform all of the Outlands .

To prevent another shortage, Che joined the Apex Games to raise money for the Frontier Corps. Despite the ethical dilemma of competing in a bloodsport for this purpose, she justified it with the fact that she would be helping people with her performances.

Season 5

The Broken Ghost

After Loba joined the Apex Games, she solicited the assistance of the other Legends (sans Revenant) to hunt down pieces of an artefact on an alternate Kings Canyon, in the Shadowfall dimension.

Soon after their quest began, Wattson was injured during a sortie. Revenant arrived after this to taunt the Legends. After the simulacrum left, Octane, having just returned from an intel-gathering date with a Hammond Robotics employee named Yoko Zepnewski, wished to rush into the Shadowfall dimension and retrieve each piece of Loba’s treasure himself. However, Bangalore refused to allow this without concrete proof of Zepnewski’s intel. Che agreed, jokingly referring to his date outfit as that of an accountant. Octane took this comment very personally and secretly left, leaving behind a note for Che to find.

After reading the note, a furious Che pounded on Bangalore’s door, insisting that she send an extraction team to rescue her friend. When she refuses, she forces her out of her apartment and takes her to Zepnewski. As motivation, Bangalore receives proof of the information provided by Octane in exchange for an autograph for the Hammond employee.

Soon after, a bloodied, legless Octane is recovered from the Shadowfall dimension.  After his recovery, he spitefully ignores Che.  However, this silent treatment is broken after the completed “treasure”, a reactivated Ash, mentions Olympus.


One Saturday in 2733, Ajay Che and Octane complete an Apex Games match on Kings Canyon, signing autographs in the streets of Solace City. Afterward, the two arrive at a club, where Che performs with the Flyer Liars for the first time in three years. The show is interrupted by a wounded Pathfinder, who was pursued by scrappers. The scrappers enter the club and open fire, grievously wounding Che. Octane takes Che to a local hospital for recovery, but the power is quickly cut.  After the hospital was levelled by a crashing aircraft, Che was rescued by Octane.

Season 7

Family Portrait

A reluctant Ajay Che accompanied Octane, Gibraltar, and Pathfinder to a Chevrex charity event in Malta, Psamathe to obtain an antique MRVN battery from her father.  Intending for this to be a quick meeting after a tense reunion,  things quickly take a turn for the worse when a group of terrorists led by Creighton Sawtelle attack the event, seemingly incapacitating a curious Pathfinder. Che refuses to leave, hoping to tend to the wounded. In response to this, Sawtelle ordered a mercenary to execute her. One, a disguised Gibraltar, steps forward. Wielding his war club and feigning a preparation to attack,  he stalls while Octane and a similarly feigning Pathfinder successfully fend the attackers off. Che retrieves the battery and departs, reaffirming her animosity for her parents.

Pathfinder's Quest

Pathfinder met with Che while searching for information regarding his creator. The two discussed the history of the Outlands, as well as Che’s formative years on Psamathe and Solace.

Season 8


After Mad Maggie’s attack on Kings Canyon, Che joins Fuse and Bloodhound on their expedition to fend her off. After Mad Maggie’s supposed death, she joins the others around a fire, giving a toast to second chances.

Season 9

The Legacy Antigen

During the Medusa outbreak caused by the ICS Icarus crashing into Olmypus. Che remained on Olympus, hoping to assist in tending to the infected. During a shift at the hospital, she accidentally bumps into D.O.C. and plays a message unknowingly recorded by Octane after the attack on the museum in Malta, telling that the true culprit behind the incident was his father and CEO of Silva Pharmaceuticals, Eduardo Silva. She then interrogates Sawtelle, confirming the theory that Eduardo Silva was behind the attack. Arriving at the Silva estate, she enters just in time to catch Eduardo Silva confessing to and harassing his son, Octane. After Che holds the CEO at gunpoint with a Peacekeeper, Eduardo Silva quickly leaves. Che then reassures Octane that he is not and will not be a failure. The two later paint the Silva Pharmaceuticals logo on the hull of the ICS Icarus, as Silva was the one to direct the fleet and its contagious payload to Olympus.

Season 12

During Mad Maggie's first Apex Games match, Eduardo Silva used the latest installation on Olympus, the Phase Driver, to teleport the floating city to the surface of Psamathe. Though most of the Legends believed that Mad Maggie was the perpetrator, she meets with Ajay Che and Octane after being placed on a team with them, showing Eduardo Silva's green spectacles that she had stolen during an engagement below the city to prove her innocence. After the match, the three discussed Eduardo Silva's intentions, agreeing to work together in an attempt to curb his ambitions. Octane offers to snoop around his family's estate to search for intel, with Che initially ridiculing the idea.

The Perfect Son

Ajay Che was teamed with Fuse and Mad Maggie in a subsequent match on Storm Point. While her teammates fended off a swarm of Carthage spiders, Che lamented to them regarding the situation with Octane and his impulsiveness. The two Legends responded with their own takes, both drawing from their personal histories. Mad Maggie stated that the only person Che can depend on is herself, and Fuse stated that it's good to rely on one's friends, but they should always be given space. The two began to fight over their responses while Che fended off a second wave of spiders. She was interrupted by a sudden phone call and left the arena, having received an urgent message from the Frontier Corps regarding a sudden donation from Silva Pharmaceuticals.

Meeting with Octane, Che learned that the funds had come from Eduardo Silva. Upon hearing this, she lashed out, declaring that there must be an ulterior motive to the donation and expressing frustration that Octane would allow him to get so close to the Frontier Corps' files. After talking, the two decided to try to break into Eduardo's safe. Not trusting Octane to execute his plan, Che charged him to stand guard. With the help of D.O.C., she was able to access the safe, finding a death certificate that uncovered a dark secret - the real Eduardo Silva has been dead for years.

Che revealed this to Octane, who, having found a video of his "father" declaring his love for his family, reacts with incredulity. The two then fought over their next steps. Che stated that Silva considers his son to be worthless, and Octane retorted with the insults Che has given him over the years - "baby," "screw up", "dead weight." He then lets slip in an insult that Che is simply jealous that his father loves him. Che began to leave in order to reveal the death certificate, but Octane stole it and destroyed it, declaring an end to their friendship.

After "Eduardo" was elected as the leader of the Syndicate council, he rebranded the Frontier Corps into the more militaristic Syndicate Corps, placing Cherisse Che, Ajay's Mother, at its head. Feeling that there was nowhere else to go, Ajay Che approached Mad Maggie at her prison cell beneath Olympus, declaring her intent to "burn [The Outlands] down".

Season 13

Che assisted in fighting the beast that came ashore on Storm Point. Later, after the rebranding of the Frontier Corps into the Syndicate Corps, Che was stated to be a spokesperson for the organization.

Season 16

Octane uncovers some damaging information about his grandfather and offers it to Che. However, Che, furious, refuses to accept anything from a "traitor." Octane confronts Mad Maggie about her alliance with Che to take down the Syndicate, firmly asserting that Maggie is a negative influence on Che. In response, Maggie tells him to "cry to daddy." Later on, Che easily recruits Crypto, knowing his history and hatred for the Syndicate, and the two infiltrate a party hosted by Torres Silva. While attempting to hack into the systems, Crypto complains about being cramped in a bathroom stall. Meanwhile, Che searches through Torres' desk in his bedroom, looking for incriminating information. Suddenly, a suspicious Torres enters the room, causing Che jump behind the balcony of the room and cling to it. Octane enters the room, diverting Duardo's attention, allowing Che and Crypto to escape. Crypto vows to never hack in a bathroom stall again.

Che then reported her findings to Maggie in her prison cell in Malta. Stating her intent to venture to Salvo, she was dissuaded by Maggie, who told her it's dangerous to go there without an accompanying Salvonian - especially for the daughter of the Che family. Che later met with Fuse at a bar, requesting passage to Salvo. While on Salvo, Che and Fuse confronted members of the Cracked Talon in one of their hideouts. However, this quickly turned into a shootout, as the Cracked Talon were not pleased to see intruders, much less Fuse. To ward off their attackers, Che called in a Care Package, stopping the fight and crushing Mouth, a Cracked Talon mercenary, beneath rubble. She moved to heal his injuries, but was called soft in return, with Mouth stating that "playin' savior" wouldn't get any information out of anyone. In response, Che ripped D.O.C. away. Though Fuse was shocked by this, she was able to get a name from him - Skudge, who was apparently an old associate of Fuse. Before Fuse could explain, however, he left, telling Che that she was crossing lines she can't come back from.

Returning to Maggie's cell, Che reported the information about Skudge. Maggie only scoffed, stating that pursuing Skudge was a race toward death without breaking her out first. Che then ordered for D.O.C. to electrocute and disable a camera, attacked the guard acting as her chaperone, and freed Maggie from her cell. During their escape, the two were stopped by the prison's warden, who was quickly incapacitated by Maggie. She then attacked Che, knocking a tooth out of her mouth to make it seem as if she tried to stop Maggie. The two then departed, en route to Salvo.

At some point, Che was able to recruit Loba to their cause.

Season 17

Kill Code Part 1

Once on Salvo, Che visited a bar with Maggie and Loba, where Maggie reunited with Skudge, who works as a bartender. After intimidating him and asking for Torres' whereabouts, Skudge directed them to an armored bunker nearby. Breaking in with Loba's help, the trio found several deactivated Spectres and a console, on which Che found information about several similar locations across the Outlands. Inserting a drive obtained from Crypto, she attempted to download this information, but was interrupted when Maggie activated the facility's security systems. She withdrew the drive, causing an incomplete transfer.

After Maggie's interruption, the three began to fight their way out of the facility. With the doors about to close, Che ripped a Kraber from the arms of a Spectre and threw it to the door, propping it open and allowing the three to escape. Once outside, the three found themselves pinned down by the Spectres, which were working to break through the door and continue their attack. The three were quickly rescued by Valkyrie, allowing them to regroup and deliver the information to Crypto.

Personality and traits

Ajay Che is shown to be very compassionate and caring yet shows a darker and somewhat violent side when she is pushed to the edge. She is shown to have strong morals and to be ruthlessly and relentlessly dedicated to any pursuit she undertakes. Ajay also has a natural proficiency with the drums and has played professionally. She is also shown to be an extremely competent paramedic and first responder.

Physical appearance

Ajay Che is depicted as having brown eyes and dyed red hair. She is short and has a slender build.


Family tree

Ajay Che has a poor relationship with her family having disowned them when she found out that they were war-profiteers. However she has taken steps to reconcile with them.

On the other hand, she has a very close relationship with Octane since childhood though their friendship has split due to Eduardo Silva. Her relationship with the other Legends is generally positive, sans Revenant and Bangalore due to their actions in The Broken Ghost.

Apex Legends


Tactical Ability Passive Ability Ultimate Ability
AL Lifeline Tactical.png
DOC Heal Drone
AL Lifeline Passive.png
Combat Revive
AL Lifeline Ultimate.png
Lifeline Package
Lay down a drone which will stay in place and heal any of your teammates who stand near it (enemy squads can use this if you get downed and they are near) DOC drone can revive 2 teamates on its own, and you can open blue loot bins. Call in a supply drop, which will look similar to a care package but will appear as blue. Guarantees upgraded loot from your current loot.


Main article: Ajay "Lifeline" Che/Customization

Apex Legends Mobile

Lifeline is a Support Legend, unlocked at Level 2 and is best for keeping her team alive and up in a firefight. Her tactical ability D.O.C. Heal Drone places an immobile drone that heals all players nearby over time. Her passive ability Combat Revive causes her reviving of teammates to be automated by her drone and allows her to open a second compartment with extra supplies on any blue loot container. Her ultimate ability Care Package calls down a care package containing useful support gear such as shields or attachments.


Tactical Ability Passive Ability Ultimate Ability
AL Lifeline Tactical.png
DOC Heal Drone
AL Lifeline Passive.png
Combat Revive
AL Lifeline Ultimate.png
Lifeline Package
Lay down a drone which will stay in place and heal any of your teammates who stand near it (enemy squads can use this if you get downed and they are near) DOC drone can revive 2 teamates on its own, and you can open blue loot bins. Call in a supply drop, which will look similar to a care package but will appear as blue. Guarantees upgraded loot from your current loot.

Lifeline has 3 Perks, 3 Finisher Perks, and 3 Ability Perks.


  • Invigoration - Reviving a Squadmate restores an additional 25 Health for both of you.
  • Healthy Dosage - Using a Syringe restores an additional 15 Health.
  • Recovery Room - Your Revive Shield will remain for 3s after reviving a Squadmate.

Finisher Perks

  • Battle Adaptation - Using your Finisher adds 100 damage to your Evo Shield's level.
  • Victor's Spoils - Gain a better hop-up for one of your weapons after using a Finisher.
  • Routine Checkup - Using your Finisher calls in a special healing drone at your location.

Ability Perks

  • Smart Surgery - D.O.C. follows the first target she heals but will disengage if she is damaged, out of range, or done healing.
  • Surplus Supply - Care Packages contain an additional item, and Loot Boxes may contain an additional item.
  • Full Metal D.O.C. - D.O.C. continues to heal while taking damage, but her duration is reduced.


Main article: Ajay "Lifeline" Che/Customization


Main article: Ajay "Lifeline" Che/Quotes

Behind the scenes


Update History





  • According to developer commentary:
    • Lifeline's drone companion made it much easier to find and establish her personality and character during motion capture. Additionally, being one of the most emotive characters in the roster, her character only really came to life when she got her facial animations towards the end of development.
    • She was designed mechanically to be a combat medic who puts herself in the line of fire and at risk to help her team, not merely a "healer." One of the prevailing concerns when designing her was how to avoid her "[becoming] the meta."
  • Her parents are the owners of Chevrex.
  • Lifeline's bandana features the logo of Kodai, a company featured in all of the Titanfall games and Apex Legends.
    • With Lifeline's parents' company being a branch of AI Logic and not Kodai as was initially assumed, it is currently unknown why she has the bandana with Kodai's logo.
  • Lifeline plays drums as a hobby as represented in her default finisher, a banner pose, her animations, and her heirloom.
  • Lifeline's drone, D.O.C., has recording and lockpicking capabilities.

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