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Mouth is a Salvonian mercenary who works for Cracked Talon.


Mouth is a high ranking member of Cracked Talon and loyal friend of Maragret "Mad Maggie" Kōhere, like Mad Maggie he holds a strong hate for The Syndicate and Black Rattler. Mouth has taken it upon himself to try and keep Cracked Talon together while staying hidden after the arrest of Mad Maggie.

In 2734 Ajay "Lifeline" Che and Walter "Fuse" Fitzroy went to Salvo to meet Mouth believing he had Information they needed, Fuse wrongfully assumed Mouth would welcome him with open arms however he was welcomed with bullets instead. Mouth didn't view Fuse too kindly seeing him as a traitor and believed that Lifeline and fuse were just "Syndicate bastards". Lifeline was able to save Fuse and herself by calling in a care package, which collapsed the roof onto Mouth and the rest of the Cracked Talon mercenaries.

Mouth received several injuries which Lifeline healed with D.O.C. which caused Mouth to call her soft and insult her, Lifeline taking offense stopped healing him putting Mouth back in pain. Reluctantly Mouth conceded and gave Lifeline what she wanted, the name of a person involved with the Syndicate Corps known as Skudge.