Natalie "Wattson" Paquette

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The subject of this article appears in Apex Legends.

After the funeral, I stood in our kitchen, and it was so... quiet. I had dreamt of quiet like that, but now that I had it, I was terrified. And alone. I sat on the floor, and I know how silly this sounds, but I hid under the table. That was where they found me. Anita. Makoa. Ajay. Even Dr. Caustic and he hates everybody. They’d just as soon stab each other in the back. Or the front. But they put that all aside. To support me. The electrician’s kid. I thought I knew what family was. But my equations were incomplete. My family is here. At the Games. And now it’s my turn to support them. With every last charge in me.
— Wattson

Natalie Paquette, also known by her alias "Wattson", is a playable Legend released in Season 2 of Apex Legends and was introduced at E3 2019.


Static Defender

Wattson is a familiar face in the Apex Games, though for a different reason than most. Daughter of the Games’ lead electrical engineer, she studied his manuals to stay close to him and discovered her calling at a young age. Though she could be completely distracted one moment and hyper-focused the next, electricity grounded her – its ordered, predictable flow made sense in a way the rest of the world didn’t.

She devoured every book she could on the subject, and eventually became such a skilled engineer that she was commissioned to build the Apex Games’ Modified Containment Ring. Unfortunately, her father died the day it was revealed, leaving her alone. At her lowest moment, a group of competitors invited her to return to the arena with them, assuring her she would always have a home. She now fights alongside her friends in the arena she helped build, destroying incoming missiles, recharging shields, creating fences, and using her pylon to silence fights that get too loud. Nobody knows the arena better than Wattson – anyone who underestimates her is in for a shock.


Natalie Paquette was born in Eelhead Bay, Solace to Luc Paquette, an electrical engineer hired by the Mercenary Syndicate. Her mother passed away before she reached the age of one. As a child, Luc taught his daughter that the world could be a cold and harsh place, though he never introduced the concept of betrayal. She also gained a strong curiosity for the mechanics of electricity during this time, voraciously reading her father’s books on the subject.

During her childhood, Paquette spent a vast amount of time exploring the nearby island of Kings Canyon, joining her father when he traveled there to work on the electrical systems behind the upcoming Apex Games. She often played hide and seek with the Nessie plushies made by her mother across the island.

Paquette wished to assist her father in his development of the Ring, but met opposition, as he wanted her to enjoy her time as a child. Despite this, she continued researching, and eventually discovered a device known as the Active Denial System, used for crowd control. Applying this historical basis to her theory for the Ring, she hypothesized that a mechanism using two dome shields, with one surrounding the island and another progressively shrinking within, this task could be accomplished.

When Paquette proposed this idea to Luc, the two entered into an argument, partly fueled by his frustration at not being able to solve this himself. Paquette stormed off and entered Singh Labs searching for two dome shields. She eventually found them but fled after a “ghost” threatened her within the underground facility, losing her rubber shoes in the process.

Arriving at what would become the Shattered Forest, she began her experiment despite a raging storm. While she initially met success, a lightning bolt struck her generator. Without rubber to resist the electrical charge, she was thrown against a tree by the blast and incapacitated as the forest caught fire. Seemingly meeting her death, she was suddenly rescued by the “ghost” she encountered at Singh Labs, who carried her to her father’s cabin. Paquette survived, albeit with several broken bones, a concussion, and a Lichtenberg mark across her body.

The next night, she showed Luc her success, bewildering him. He accepted the design and submitted it to the Mercenary Syndicate, taking full credit at the request of his daughter. In return, Paquette and her father gained a variety of benefits from the Syndicate, such as a new home in Eelhead Bay.

However, on the day of the Ring’s reveal to the public, Luc passed away, leaving behind his heartbroken daughter. At his funeral, she hid beneath a table in despair. However, she was soon found by Bangalore, Gibraltar, Lifeline, and Caustic, who comforted her and assured her that she would have a family and home amongst the Legends.

After the funeral, Paquette was invited to Syndicate Tower to meet Kuben Blisk. He told her that Luc had told him that she had truly created the Ring’s design and promised that she would always have support and employment from the Syndicate. He additionally gave her a letter written by Luc the night she successfully created the Ring.

A few years later, Paquette requested to become a Legend. Blisk allowed her to enter the Apex Games without needing to enter a single qualifying match.

The Broken Ghost

After Loba joined the Apex Games, she solicited the assistance of the other Legends to hunt down pieces of an artifact on an alternate Kings Canyon, in the Shadowfall dimension. Paquette and Crypto were enlisted to assemble the artifact’s pieces.

During an early sortie in the Shadowfall dimension, Paquette is injured. She recovered in the back room of the Paradise Lounge, where Caustic gave an unlikely vigil. Soon after, Revenant arrived to taunt the Legends and the unconscious Paquette.

She soon regained consciousness, and she and Crypto continued to assemble the artifact. However, Revenant soon returned in the guise of Crypto’s allegedly unhackable drone, terrorizing the injured Paquette and helping to frame Crypto as a mole within the group. Crypto attempted to prove his innocence, but the damage was done. Paquette, not knowing who she could trust, was walked home by Wraith.

Soon after, Gibraltar attempted to meet with several of the Legends and mend the rift between them. However, Paquette stopped him, stating that she simply needed time.


One Saturday, Paquette completed an Apex Games match on Kings Canyon. After noticing Caustic holding a bloody bag, she and Rampart followed him to a hidden laboratory where they found him experimenting on starving prowlers. After he discovers and threatens the two, the prowlers escape and begin rampaging through Solace City.

Paquette later arrived at a local hospital with the other Legends, only to be caught under debris from a landing dropship owned by Boss Willis of the Mercenary Syndicate. She assisted in fending off the Prowlers away from the wreckage.

Season 7

Some time after the incident, Crypto invited Paquette to a private meeting. In an attempt to make amends, he revealed his true identity. He additionally revealed his opposition to the Mercenary Syndicate and the target they placed on his back - bewildering Paquette, whose entire life up until that point had revolved around the Syndicate. Paquette gained new trust in Crypto and agreed to keep his secret, despite her occasionally slipping up.

Pathfinder's Quest

Pathfinder met with Paquette during his search for answers regarding his creator. They discussed her childhood on Kings Canyon and the development of the Ring.

Season 8

Despite wishing to not concern herself with Caustic, she relents after she recalls his constant coughing, greatly reminding her of her father shortly before his death. Arriving at Caustic Treatment on Kings Canyon, Paquette finds Caustic preparing to test a deadly new strain of his gases on the populace of Solace City. She attempts to stop him but is seemingly incapacitated by the gas. Caustic, distressed at the sight, runs down to rescue her but is shocked in retaliation by Paquette.

Paquette, knowing the punishments that would be in store for the scientist, refused to tell the Syndicate about the events, on the condition that Caustic works to become a better person.

The Legacy Antigen

During the Medusa outbreak, Paquette remained on Olympus to assist Horizon in mitigating the spread of the disease and the encroaching Medusa vines. She was assisting Horizon with research in an underground facility when they are approached by Ash, who demands a reallocation of resources toward securing Arenas sites and saves Horizon from falling debris.

Afterward, she departs to meet with Mystik, who is a patient interred with an active case from the Legacy Antigen. Initially attempting to conceal her identity, she relents when Mystik is instantly able to tell who she truly is, as Crypto discusses her often in his messages. The two discuss her sons, as well as family life after losing loved ones. Towards the end of their conversation, Mystik begins to have breathing issues and quickly enters cardiac arrest. She is saved by the fortunate intervention of Paquette.

After the epidemic is ended, Paquette and Crypto leave a Carthage spider at Caustic’s door in the hopes that he can use its agatoxin to cure his cancer.

Trouble in Paradise

During an Apex Games match on Storm Point, Paquette joins a team with Crypto and Horizon, with the former two searching for IMC-manufactured machine parts to repair a communications device. The squad is ambushed by Ash, who is searching for IMC facilities to find objects relating to her past. Paquette redirects the simulacrum to Wraith for information, as she is conducting a similar search.

Soon after, Paquette conducts an independent search at Storm Point’s lightning rod, stripping the final part she needs to complete the device. She is suddenly cornered by Ash, who seeks to hunt the young Legend down in the hope of exhausting the Paquette bloodline, therefore eliminating any need for her Leigh personality to take over. She then knocks Paquette into a ravine before departing, excited to toy with her prey for a while longer.

Season 13 Launch Trailer

Paquette attended Bangalore's farewell party. She later assisted in fighting the beast that came ashore on Storm Point.

Friends Like These

While working on the communications device, Paquette was visited by Vantage, who was seeking to make friends. During their brief conversation, the latter tried to pry secrets from Paquette. A defensive Paquette knocked a bowl of cereal onto the device. The milk within the bowl short-circuited the device, allowing it to activate and connect with Mila Alexander. Upon seeing her, Paquette concealed the device and shooed Vantage away.

Conversing with Mila, Paquette was told to not tell Crypto about their conversation, nor to tell him that the device was repaired. Mila revealed that she was working inside the Syndicate to discover who had framed her brother, and that him knowing this would put a target on his back. After disconnecting, a distressed Paquette closed the communications unit.


Tactical Ability Passive Ability Ultimate Ability
AL Wattson Tactical.png
Perimeter Security
AL Wattson Passive.png
Spark of Genius
AL Wattson Ultimate.png
Interception Pylon
Lay down a pair of nodes, which will create an electrical fence that will do damage to the shields of anyone who tries to cross it. This will also notify you and your teammates if there are enemies entering your building using ultimate accelerants charge your ultimate ability to 100%, regardless of what percentage you are. You can also stack 2 ultimate accelerants. Like Octane's Swift Mend, your shield will automatically regenerate without the need for cells. Set up a pylon in which all incoming ordnance will be intercepted. This also regenerates up to 250 shields and lasts permanently.



Image Skin Rarity Unlock
Original Wattson.png
Original Common None
AL Wattson Ace Of Sparks.png
Ace of Sparks Legendary AL CraftingMetals.png 1,200
AL Wattson Current Champ.png
Current Champ Legendary AL Legend Token.png 10,500

Requires Ace of Sparks

AL Wattson Fly-By-Wire.png
Fly-By-Wire Legendary AL CraftingMetals.png 1,200
AL Wattson Vaporwave.png
Vaporwave Legendary AL Legend Token.png 6,500

Requires Fly-By-Wire

AL Wattson Cyber Security.png
Cyber Security Legendary AL CraftingMetals.png 1,200
AL Wattson Bionic Wonder.png
Bionic Wonder Legendary AL Legend Token.png 10,500

Requires Cyber Security

AL Wattson Strange Attractor.png
Strange Attractor Legendary AL CraftingMetals.png 1,200
AL Wattson Ruby Joules.png
Ruby Joules Legendary AL Legend Token.png 6,500

Requires Strange Attractor

AL The Warrior Empress.png
The Warrior Empress Legendary AL Season 2 Battle Charge HUD.png Season 2 Iron Crown Event

AL Apex Coin.png 700 Requires Iron Crown Pack

AL Wattson Silver Age.png
Silver Age Legendary AL Season 3 Meltdown HUD.png Season 3 Grand Soiree Event

AL Apex Coin.png 1,800

AL Wattson Shocking Stuffer.jpg
Shocking Stuffer Legendary AL Season 3 Meltdown HUD.png Season 3 Holo-day Bash Event

AL Apex Coin.png 1,800

AL Wattson Cyber Punked.png
Cyber Punked Legendary AL Season 4 Assimilation HUD.png Season 4 Premium Battle Pass
AL Wattson Outlands Explorer.png
Outlands Explorer Legendary AL Season 5 Fortune's Favor HUD.png Season 5 Lost Treasures Event

AL Apex Coin.png 1,800

AL Wattson Wired for Speed.png
Outlands Explorer Legendary Season 6 Aftermarket Event

AL Apex Coin.png 1,800

AL Wattson Fiber Optics.png
Fiber Optics Epic AL CraftingMetals.png 400
AL Wattson Daemon Hunter.png
Daemon Hunter Epic AL CraftingMetals.png 400
AL Wattson Hack The System.png
Hack The System Epic AL CraftingMetals.png 400
AL Wattson Heat Sync.png
Heat Sync Epic AL CraftingMetals.png 400
AL Wattson User Friendly.png
User Friendly Epic AL CraftingMetals.png 400
AL Wattson Winged Menace.png
Winged Menace Epic AL Season 3 Meltdown HUD.png Season 3 Fight or Fright Exclusive
AL Wattson Dinomite.jpg
Dinomite Epic AL Season 3 Meltdown HUD.png Season 3 Exclusive AL Apex Coin.png 1000

Black Friday Sale 2019

AL Wattson Fresh Paint.png
Fresh Paint Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Disruptor.png
Disruptor Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Tie Dye.png
Tie Dye Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Brain Candy.png
Brain Candy Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Unholy Alliance.png
Unholy Alliance Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Arachnophobia.png
Arachnophobia Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Perfect Storm.png
Perfect Storm Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Throwback.png
Throwback Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Cloud Computing.png
Cloud Computing Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Volcanic.png
Volcanic Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Tartan Fleece.png
Tartan Fleece Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Bloodline.png
Bloodline Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Dire Wolf.png
Dire Wolf Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Ornamental Nature.png
Ornamental Nature Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Industrial Artist.png
Industrial Artist Rare AL CraftingMetals.png 60
AL Wattson Sweet Dreams.png
Sweet Dreams Rare Twitch Exclusive
AL Wattson Hot Rod.png
Hot Rod Rare AL Season 2 Battle Charge HUD.png Level 30 | Season 2 Exclusive
AL Wattson Static Maiden.png
Static Maiden Rare AL Season 3 Meltdown HUD.png Season 3 Exclusive AL Apex Coin.png 500
Midnight Wattson.png
Midnight Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Arctic Wattson.png
Arctic Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Mandarin Wattson.png
Mandarin Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Orchid Wattson.png
Orchid Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Flamingo Wattson.png
Flamingo Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Clearwater Wattson.png
Clearwater Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Vino Wattson.png
Vino Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Evergreen Wattson.png
Evergreen Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Limelight Wattson.png
Limelight Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Yellowjacket Wattson.png
Yellowjacket Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Skyward Wattson.png
Skyward Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Hydro Wattson.png
Hydro Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Rage Wattson.png
Rage Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30
AL Sahara Wattson.png
Sahara Common AL CraftingMetals.png 30



Image Frame Rarity Unlock
Electric Feels Legendary Crafting Metals 1,200
Eye of the Ring Legendary Crafting Metals 1,200
Lightning in a Bottle Legendary Crafting Metals 1,200
Resonant Frequencies Legendary Crafting Metals 1,200
Static Schematics Legendary Crafting Metals 1,200
Charged Storm Epic Template:EventIcon Crafting Metals 400
Light the Way Epic Template:SeasonIcon Level 78
Electric Flail Epic Template:SeasonIcon Level 81
Flying Colors Epic Template:SeasonIcon Level 10
Bug Zapper Epic Template:SeasonIcon Level 18
Jurassic Nessie Epic Template:SeasonIcon Level 11
Dracu-Ness Epic Template:SeasonIcon Level 67
Tower Charge Epic Template:EventIcon
Powered Paradise Epic Template:SeasonIcon Level 32
Hot Wired Rare Crafting Metals 60
KEEP OUT Rare Crafting Metals 60
Lightspeed Bandwidth Rare Crafting Metals 60
Power Transformer Rare Crafting Metals 60
Tesla Coil Rare Crafting Metals 60
High Voltage Rare
Feel-a-ments Rare Template:EventIcon Crowns 60
Down Under Rare Template:SeasonIcon Level 83
Linked Rare Template:RealWorldIcon Season 4
Shocking Portrait Rare Template:RealWorldIcon October 2021
Static Overload Rare Template:EventIcon Crafting Metals 60
Rookie Card Common Default
Angular Momentum Common Crafting Metals 30
Data Processor Common Crafting Metals 30
On Lockdown Common Crafting Metals 30
Toolkit Common Crafting Metals 30


Image Pose Rarity Unlock
Handled With Care Mythic
Inside Voice Epic Crafting Metals 400
Load Imbalance Epic Crafting Metals 400
Quantum Mechanic Epic Crafting Metals 400
Inquisitive Impulse Epic Template:EventIcon Crafting Metals 400
Hotwired Epic Template:EventIcon
Comms Check Rare
Eureka Rare Crafting Metals 60
On Break Rare Crafting Metals 60
Sorry! Rare Crafting Metals 60
Stargazer Rare Crafting Metals 60
Stingin' in the Rain Rare Crafting Metals 60
Strong Force Rare Crafting Metals 60
Curiosity Common Default



Audio File Quip Rarity Unlock


Audio File Quip Rarity Unlock


Video Finisher Rarity Unlock
Shocking Outcome Common Default
Electrical Contact Legendary Crafting Metals 1,200




Apex Sidestories

