Kit Siang Phua

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Kit Siang Phua was a competitor in the Thunderdome Games, which were held on his home planet of Solace on the island known as Kings Canyon.


Kit Siang Phua participated in the Thunderdome Games from 2705 to 2718. Throughout his tenure as a competitor, he achieved the prestigious title of Champion, comparable to a Legend in the Apex Games. Kit Siang Phua remained dedicated to competing in the Thunderdome Games until his unfortunate demise in 2718, during one of the competitions.

August "Ballistic" Brinkman was largely held responsible for the death of Kit Siang Phua, as his cocky and extravagant approach to competition consistently placed Phua in peril. Despite this, Phua managed to have one of the lengthiest careers as a Champion, matching only his sister Sok Leng Phua.

Throughout his 13-year career, Kit Siang Phua competed against and alongside some of the greatest champions of all time, including Abram Rozerie, Norman "Nomad" Brennan, Kuben Blisk, Sok Leng Phua, August "Ballistic" Brinkman, and Elijah Doe.

A museum was constructed during the reconstruction of Fragment West to honor the esteemed Champions of the Thunderdome Games. Within the museum, visitors can observe a display dedicated to Kit Siang Phua, situated alongside his sister. Additionally, the museum features a section dedicated to the Apex Legends, as well as an area showcasing various marvels of Talos.