
From Titanfall Wiki
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About Me

Hey fellow Titanfall fans! I'm new to the Titanfall game franchise, and already I'm loving it! I have the Titanfall Prima Game eGuide, and I hope to soon own it again either in paperback or in hardcover, depending on which one I like best and if I have the money to spend, along with The Art of Titanfall. I also own the Titanfall Original Soundtrack, and the music is awesome! Hope to have some new stuff (mostly images) to add to the wiki soon! See you on the bounce, soldier[note 1] (and prepare for Titanfall)!

Who Am I?

Well, obviously, I am the one-and-only Xamikaze330. I am also known as Toraiin Xamikaze on DeviantART, and as Shazamikaze on Twitter. If you want to be my friend on Xbox LIVE, my username (Xamikaze330) is my gamertag. So come find me!

Titanfall Media I Own

  • Titanfall Game for Xbox 360
    • Titanfall DLCs: Expedition, Frontier's Edge
  • Titanfall Original Soundtrack
  • Titanfall Prima Game eGuide
  • Titanfall Limited Edition Game Guide from Prima Games
  • The Art of Titanfall book
  • Titanfall poster

My Other Websites and Webpages

  1. Toraiin Xamikaze on DeviantART
  2. Toraiin Xamikaze on Tumblr
  3. Xamikaze330 on PhotoBucket
  4. Xamikaze330 on Combine OverWiki
  5. Xamikaze330 on Halo Nation
  6. Xamikaze330 on Halopedia
  7. Xamikaze330 on Destinypedia
  8. Xamikaze330 on Combine OverWiki
  9. Xamikaze330 on Mass Effect Wiki
  10. Xamikaze330 on Stargate Wikia
  11. Xamikaze330 on Stargate Wiki
  12. Xamikaze330 on Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wikia
  13. Xamikaze330 on Call of Duty Wiki
  14. "Always in motion, is the future..." --Yoda


  1. Quote from Starship Troopers.