Turbo Engine (kit)

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The subject of this article appears in Titanfall 2.
"Turbo Engine (kit)" redirects here. For the Titan kit in Titanfall 2, see [[the similarly-named Burn Card in Titanfall]]

Turbo Engine is a Titan Kit in Titanfall 2. It allows 1 extra dash on your Titan (except for Scorch and Legion, which get halved dash cooldown instead.)

  • Atlas-Class Titans such as Ion, Tone and Monarch, will have 2 dashes instead of 1 with Turbo Engine Equipped.
    • Monarch's Rearm ability will refresh both dashes, which can also be combined with Rapid Rearm to reduce Rearm's cooldown, further increasing their mobility.
  • Ogre-Class Titans such as Scorch and Legion will have half their normal cooldown with Turbo Engine equipped instead of an extra dash.
    • Due to their slow mobility, Turbo Engine is extremely valuable on them, and it is thus almost always correct to use Turbo Engine on them.
  • Stryder-Class Titans such as Ronin and Northstar will have 3 dashes instead of 2 with Turbo Equipped.
