The Refueling Raid/Transcript

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This is the full transcript of the first campaign mission of Titanfall, "The Refueling Raid".

Frontier Militia

Pre-mission Briefing

Bish: Crew, this is Bish. At 0800 today, General Anderson succumbed to wounds sustained in battle. We're out of jump range of every other fleet in this sector. In short, we are on our own, as we have always been. Every ship in this fleet is down to less than two hours of fuel, our options are limited; either we get the fuel we need, or we die out here. Sarah, tactical report.

Sarah Briggs: All the viable fuel sources within range are heavily fortified and under IMC control. We've selected a remote target in the Yuma System which gives us the most time to conduct the raid. Titan Pilots, you will keep the anti-air defenses offline while the fleet refuels overhead.

Bish: Let's make this count, people. We'll have the element of surprise, but not for long. Good luck, signing off.


Militia Grunt: Jumping in 3... 2... 1... mark!

Bish: The civilian fleet is right behind us. Most of the ships are running on fumes right now.

Sarah Briggs: We're out of options. It's now or never.

Sarah Briggs: Either way, we need this fuel, or none of us are going to make it!

Sarah Briggs: The Fleet's counting on you! Go! Go! Go!


Captain Dunnam: McCord, take your squad up this road! The rest of you move through this building behind me and secure the area!

Bish: OK boss, this is a Hardpoint operation. Take control of as many hardpoints as you can, patch me in to them, and I'll take care of the rest.

After the player neutralizes an enemy-controlled hardpoint:

Bish: I've disabled the enemy turret for this hardpoint. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!

Bish: Air defense network is down at Alpha. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!

Bish: I've disabled the enemy turret for Bravo. Activating fueling systems. Standby!

Bish: Air defense network is down at Charlie. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!

Bish: Air defense network is down. Accessing fueling systems.

As the player approaches a hardpoint:

Bish: Hey, you're getting close to a hardpoint—it's somewhere inside a building, check your map.

Bish: OK, keep going, there's a hardpoint in that building dead ahead. Go inside and patch me in.

Bish: Hey, there's a hardpoint in that building. Get in there and patch me in.

Bish: OK boss, you're close to a hardpoint. Check your map, it's inside a building.

Bish: OK buddy, hardpoint Alpha is dead ahead. Get in there and patch me into the terminal.

Bish: You're almost at hardpoint Alpha. Keep going, it's in that building dead ahead.

Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Alpha. Watch for hostiles.

Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Bravo. Watch for hostiles.

Bish: Check your map, you're close to hardpoint Bravo.

Bish: OK buddy, hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead.

Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Charlie. Watch for hostiles.

Bish: You're almost at hardpoint Charlie, it's in that building dead ahead.

As the player is capturing a hardpoint:

Bish: System bypass at 50%.

Bish: Fuel system bypass as 50%.

If the player leaves while capturing a hardpoint:

Bish: I've lost the connection—get close to the terminal!

After the player captures a hardpoint:

Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online and the Redeye is taking on fuel. Defend the hardpoint!

Bish: Bypass complete! Redeye's taking on fuel, keep up the good work!

After the Militia captures a hardpoint:

Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online at Alpha. The Redeye is taking on fuel.

Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online at Bravo. The Redeye is taking on fuel.

Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online at Charlie. The Redeye is taking on fuel now.

Bish: OK buddy, we've got Alpha under control, but I need access to Bravo and Charlie to get the rest of the fuel lines open!

Bish: OK, we have hardpoint Charlie. I still need Alpha and Bravo for maximum fuel flow, get over there and patch me in!

As the Militia are losing a hardpoint:

Bish: Alpha is under attack!

Bish: We're losin' Alpha!

Bish: Bravo is under attack!

Bish: We're losin' Bravo!

Bish: Charlie is under attack!

Bish: We're losin' Charlie!

After the Militia loses a hardpoint:

Bish: We just lost Alpha!

Bish: We just lost hardpoint Bravo! Get over there and patch me in!

Bish: We just lost Bravo!

Bish: Hardpoint Charlie just went offline. All units, I need you to retake Charlie immediately!

Bish: Charlie just went offline. All units, I need you to retake Charlie immediately!

Bish: We just lost Charlie!

If the Militia capture all three hardpoints:

Bish: Fuel systems rerouted to the Redeye. She's taking on fuel, people! Keep up the good work!

If the IMC capture all three hardpoints:

Bish: Bad news! All their turrets are back up and they've shut off the fuel! I can switch it, but you gotta get me patched into a hardpoint, now!

Bish: All fuel systems are offline! I can get them working again, if you patch me into a hardpoint!

If the Militia are losing:

Bish: We're falling behind! Don't let them win!

Bish: Hey Pilots, the IMC are giving us a run for our money. It's gonna be a close battle. Let's make sure we get there first.

Bish: The enemy is slightly ahead of us, and the battle's almost over! If you're planning a comeback, now's the time!

If the Militia are winning:

Bish: We're barely ahead of the IMC, man. The battle projections say it's gonna be real close.

Bish: You're doing great out there, man! Keep it up, and this battle will be ours before you know it!

Bish: We're totally crushing it. The IMC don't stand a chance. Won't be long before we finish this fight!

When the player rodeos an enemy Titan:

Bish: Nice moves, now finish the job.

Bish: Timber!

As the player progresses towards their Titan:

Sarah Briggs: Hey, your Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.

Sarah Briggs: Be advised, Titan ready in 30 seconds.

Sarah Briggs: Titan ready in 15 seconds.

Sarah Briggs: OK, your Titan's prepped for launch. Call it when ready.

When the player's Titan has been destroyed:

Sarah Briggs: Hey—your Titan's been destroyed. I'll get you another as soon as I can.

After killing an enemy Pilot:

Bish: Nice moves.

Bish: That must've hurt.

Redeye Comm: This is the Redeye! We're taking a lot of flak! Bish, we need those turrets offline ASAP!

Bish: We're on it! Boss, get close to a hardpoint and patch me in so I can deal with the turrets!

Redeye Comm: This is the Redeye! Bish, we're at 50% hull integrity and dropping fast!

Bish: Understood, Redeye—buddy, you gotta get me patched into another hardpoint, move!

Bish: We're doing ever better than before! Good work team. Keep up the pressure!

Redeye Comm: This is the Redeye! We're almost done for! Bish, I need those turrets offline now!

Bish: Working on it Redeye! Boss, you gotta patch me into a hardpoint, like now!


Bish: All right, we got what we came for! Awesome work team, mission accomplished.

Sarah Briggs: We've beaten the IMC, but the battle's not over! Intercept any stragglers before they get away!

Bish: Well, the fleet's got enough fuel to get through another month.

Sarah Briggs: That was chaos down there, Bish. Our tactics are a mess.

Bish: Sarah, neither of us has any experience leading a force of this size.

Sarah Briggs: Then we're gonna have to work with what we've got. We're out of options.

Sarah Briggs: You've reached the enemy evac point! Watch your six!

Sarah Briggs: The enemy dropship is here! Take it out!


Redeye Comm: Mayday! Mayday! This is the Redeye, we're going down, we're going down!

Sarah Briggs: We've lost this sector to the IMC. I'm sending in the dropships. Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point!

Sarah Briggs: You made it to the evac point! The ship is just about there!

Sarah Briggs: The dropship is here, get on it!

Militia Grunt: Time's up, we're taking off!

Interstellar Manufacturing Company

Pre-mission Briefing

Marcus Graves: All personnel, this is Vice Admiral Graves. We have a rare opportunity to destroy an entire Militia fleet. We know these terrorists are almost out of fuel, but desperation will make them unpredictable. Do not underestimate them. They can't run far, and they will most likely hit a fueling facility within the next few hours. Spyglass will fill you in.

Spyglass: Titan Pilots. You will be assigned to dropships at all potential targets in the Yuma System, a heavy patrol rotation will be maintained at all sites. At the first sign of Militia forces, you will deploy to the ground and ensure that the air defense turrets remain online.

Marcus Graves: You are cleared weapons-free for this operation. Stay vigilant. Graves out.


Marcus Graves: In space, fuel is life, and the Militia fleet is running low.

Marcus Graves: Only seven planets in the Yuma System can replenish a fleet of that size. This is one of them.

Marcus Graves: We've setup turrets, like this one, just in case the Militia decide to pay this site a visit.

Marcus Graves: That's Charlie, this one's Bravo.

Vice Admiral Graves points out two heavy turrets the IMC have setup, Charlie and Bravo, acting as the objectives for the game mode, Hardpoint Domination.

Marcus Graves: Bravo. Gimme a sitrep.

IMC Grunt: Turret online and operational, sir.

IMC Grunt: Vice Admiral Graves, Zulu Three shows multiple jump signatures three klicks out.

Marcus Graves: Blisk, tell Riggs to get his squad on the deck—now.

Kuben Blisk: Sir, our forces have assembled at rally point Alpha.

Marcus Graves: Pilots, today, you have a chance to establish peace on the Frontier. Make it count!


Captain Riggs: All Pilots, secure hardpoints Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie! The rest of you on me!

Captain Riggs: We gotta secure the hardpoints and neutralize all hostiles! Move out!