Hardpoint Domination

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The subject of this article appears in Titanfall.
Mode HPDom.png

Hardpoint Domination is a game mode appearing in Titanfall. There are three points on the map (called 'Hardpoints'), labeled "A," "B," and "C." Each team has to capture the Hardpoints in order to gain points. Over time, points are awarded to teams depending on how many Hardpoints they are holding. At the start of a match, all Hardpoints are uncontested, meaning that they can be captured by either team. To take an enemy point, it must be neutralized first, which takes as much time as capturing. When the score limit is reached, the losing team is tasked with escaping to an evacuation dropship while the winning team attempts to eliminate them. This epilogue phase limits all players to one life until the game ends.

In Titanfall 2, this mode is replaced by Amped Hardpoint.

Mode Mechanics

  • If any Spectres or Grunts are near a captured Hardpoint, they will sit on one of the three chairs of the central unit and begin to type on a keyboard, then quickly jump off and return to the battlefield.
  • Even one manned Titan will outweight any amount of enemy pilots on foot. On every map, there is one hardpoint which allows titan presense near it.
  • When capturing a Hardpoint there is a Capture Power, which is how fast the point is being captured, and determines which team is capturing the Hardpoint. The maximum Capture Power is 3.0, the Capture Power for a team is increased by 0.25 for each Grunt or Spectre, and by 0.5 for each Pilot. Capture Power is overrided by any Piloted Titan.
  • It takes 10 seconds to neutralize a Hardpoint, and an extra 10 seconds to capture a Hardpoint.
  • One point is scored every 2 seconds after the capture of a Hardpoint for each Hardpoint captured.

XP Bonuses

XP bonuses are experience points rewarded when the player does a certain objective or action, and grants the player with additional experience points. These XP Bonuses are specific to Hardpoint Domination.

Name XP Earned Description
Hardpoint Capture 250 Start and finish capturing a neutralized Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Capture Assist 100 Help capture a Hardpoint that's being captured by your team.
Hardpoint Neutralize 150 Start and finish neutralizing an enemy secured Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Neutralize Assist 50 Help neutralize a Hardpoint that's being neutralized by your team.
Hardpoint Siege 50 Kill a Grunt or Spectre within 47.625 meters from you that's in their Hardpoint from outide their Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Ranged Support 10 Kill a Pilot from within 47.625 meters from you that's in their Hardpoint from outside their Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Assault 25 Kill a Pilot that's in their Hardpoint from within their Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Siege (NPC) 10 Kill a Grunt or Spectre within 47.625 meters from you that's in their Hardpoint while you're outside their Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Ranged Support (NPC) 10 Kill a Grunt or Spectre from at least 47.625 meters away from you that's in their Hardpoint while you're outside their Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Assault (NPC) 10 Kill a Grunt or Spectre that's in their Hardpoint from within their Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Perimeter Defence 50 Kill a Pilot within 47.625 meters from you that's outside of your Hardpoint from within your Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Perimeter Defence (NPC) 10 Kill a Grunt or Spectre within 47.625 meters from you that's outside of your Hardpoint from within your Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Defence 25 Kill a Pilot that's in a Hardpoint secured by your team.
Hardpoint Defence (NPC) 10 Kill a Grunt or Spectre that's in a Hardpoint secured by your team.
Hardpoint Hold 75 Be in a Hardpoint secured by your team.
Hardpoint Capture 20 Your team captured Hardpoint.
Hardpoint Owned 1 Your team has held a Hardpoint for 10 seconds. (1 point per Hardpoint)



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