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You think it's easy being a hero?"
— Rene

Rene "Newcastle" was a competitor in the lower echelons of the Apex Games and was aspiring to become a Legend


Rene was a hero of the small town of Harris Valley on Solace, he went by the name Newcastle invoking his role as a protector. Rene however, managed to end up in severe debt to the Forgotten Families Mafia and sold Harris Valley to pay it off, unfortunately for Rene it wasn't enough and he had to find another way to pay leading him to seek the Apex Games.

Rene would attempt to become a Legend but would fail again and again, and according to Mirage lost 40 times. Even through all of his losses the citizens of Harris Valley adored their own hero who tried to make it into the Apex Games, though Rene knew his time was running out he still put on a show for the people as if nothing was wrong.

After his arrival from another failed attempt to make it to the Apex Games Rene put on his usual act and people again ate it up, however that night the Forgotten Families were tired of waiting for their payment. He was cornered in a repair shop by three Forgotten Families members who beat him and mocked him for not making the games, Rene stood and asked for on more shot causing the leading member to shoot him retorting "there's your shot." Rene fell to the ground and was almost executed until Jackson Williams came to save him.

Jackson dispatched two Forgotten Families members and cornered the leading member who explained that they own Harris Valley and that his boss wants his money and that no one in the valley is safe until he gets it. In a moment heroism Jackson volunteers to take Rene's place and compete to join the Apex Games, which the leading member found humorous but still accepted the offer giving Jackson only one chance to make it into the Apex Games.

Jackson quickly went to Rene to make sure he was okay, a dying Rene laughed saying "It's hilarious. The trash man thinks he'll do better than me." Jackson ignored it saying he needed to get Rene some help, Rene responded "You think it's easy being a hero?" before dying due to blood loss from his bullet wound. Jackson would go on to use Rene's moniker Newcastle and compete in the Apex Games as a Legend.