GDS Vantage

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The Gaean Detention Ship Vantage also known as the GDS Vantage is a prison ship used by Gaea during the Outlands Civil War.


The GDS Vantage saw use during the Outlands Civil War where it would carry prisoners such as Xenia Contreras a traitor to Gaea.

Some time between the years 2715 and 2716 the Vantage crash landed on Págos killing all members of the crew and all prisoners except for a pregnant Xenia Contreras who escaped the wreckage and made camp in the dangerous wild of the icey planet.

Post Crash

In 2734 the Vantage was rediscovered by Xiomara Contreras the daughter of the sole survivor of the crash landed ship, Xiomara had no idea the ship existed or what it was for and her mother wanted to keep it that way and so she told her daughter it was just a cargo ship operated by machines that crash landed.

Curiosity got the best of Xiomara and she decided to explore the downed vessel where she saw the corpses of the crew and prisoners, the AI of the ship activated mistaking her for her mother, Xiona Contreras and attempted to apprehend Xiomara with robotic claws which she evaded. With all that was happening on the ship the weight began to shift causing the Vantage to almost plummet into an ice trench though the action did send Xiomara into the trench badly injuring her.

Xiomara would be saved by her mother who activated the prisoner tracker she wore which caused the Gaean police to find her and imprison her once more however the sacrifice of Imprisonment saved her daughters life.

Xiomara Contreras took on the alias Vantage when she entered the Apex Games as a Legend.