Carthage Spider

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The Carthage Spider (Scarabaeidae arachnia) is a mammoth-class spider like species found in the Amelia mountain ranges and in the New Antilla archipelago of Gaea.


Carthage Spiders exhibit a wide size range, with some individuals measuring as small as a foot tall while others can grow to be twice the size of a human when fully mature. These spiders display incredibly aggressive tendencies and are known to be opportunistic hunters, targeting a diverse range of prey, including humans. When capturing their prey, Carthage Spiders ensnare them in intricate webs that they construct.

New Antilla Archipelago

The Carthage Spiders lack eyes and primarily rely on sound for hunting. They possess extendable mouths used for injecting venom into prey and capturing them. Unlike typical spiders with eight legs, Carthage Spiders have six sharp, needle-like legs that aid in seizing and wrapping their prey in webs. The presence of hair-like spikes on their abdomen may assist in maneuvering without visual cues. Notably, these spiders have green blood.

Carthage Spiders frequently interact with humans on Storm Point due to the high human activity associated with the Apex Games. Storm Point serves as a prominent breeding ground for these spiders, evident from the scattered egg sacks found throughout the island.

Amelia Mountain Range

The Carthage Spiders found in the Amelia Mountain Range possess 8 red eyes and 8 legs, distinguishing them from their 6-legged, eyeless counterparts in the New Antilla Archipelago. Visually, the Amelia Mountain Range Carthage Spiders bear a significant resemblance to Earth spiders, albeit with a significantly larger size classification.

These spider-like creatures feature maroon-colored bodies, and their blood is orange. Unlike their New Antilla Archipelago counterparts, they do not possess extendable mouths. The Amelia Mountain Range Carthage Spiders hunt in packs and construct massive dens made of webs to restrain their prey.

It is worth noting that these spiders played a role in the Legends' actions, specifically Caustic's involvement, to counteract the effects of the Medusa Vines' poison on Bangalore. The spider's agatoxins, also employed in Caustic's gas, were utilized to help mitigate the effects of the Medusa Vines' poison.
