Apex Titan

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Apex Titan.png
Monarch starts with a random Tier 1 Core Upgrade.
— description

Apex Titan is the final Monarch Aegis Rank upgrade, unlocked at Rank 20. Once unlocked, deploying a Monarch Titan will deploy it with a random Tier 1 Core Upgrade, picked from one of the two not selected in loadout selection. For example, picking Arc Rounds for Tier 1 Core means Monarch will spawn with either the Missile Racks or Energy Transfer. Likewise, picking Missiles means the Titan can spawn with Arc Rounds or Siphon, and picking Siphon means the Titan can spawn with Missiles or Arc Rounds.


  • Consider picking Energy Transfer as your Tier 1 Core Upgrade. This will ensure that you will be able to heal teammates while not immediately in combat, but you will also be guaranteed to spawn with the incredibly useful Arc Rounds or Missile Racks upon immediate deployment.