User talk:Matt Hadick

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Hello, Mhadick. I understand that you are a part of Wikia staff, although, I would appreciate it if you could leave a message on my talk page, or Registered contributor's, if you would like to make a drastic change to the look of the wiki. I think we have everything under control as of the wiki appearance until Titanfall is released (or the beta). Although, feel free to add onto the main page or such of the likes. Thanks. NinjaFatGuy (talk) 22:18, February 12, 2014 (UTC)

Don't worry, you have done no harm. On the topic about extra additions to the wiki -- I haven't really thought about much. I mean, I'm planning to redesign the mainpage to a more professional layout, with complex templates and such, but I've never got around to doing much. There's still a lot of information coming out, that is constantly being changed and renewed, and it is sort of hard to keep track of all these changes. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I'll try to do what I can to help. Thanks. NinjaFatGuy (talk) 22:46, February 12, 2014 (UTC)


Yeah, sure. Would you mind explaining exactly what we're doing, though? NinjaFatGuy (talk) 19:55, February 26, 2014 (UTC)

You would simply be answering the below questions. This wouldn't have any direct impact on the Titantfall wiki.

1. Can you comment on Respawn Entertainment’s lineage? What are your expectations for Titanfall, given that Respawn created the Call of Duty series?

2. The name of the game in Titanfall is asymmetrical warfare. What are your thoughts on Titanfall’s pilots? What do you think of their moves, weapons, and upgrade potential? How do you feel they stack up against the titans?

3. What about the titans? What does the presence of heavily-armed mechs mean for a game like this? How do you feel they’ve turned out?

4. What are you thoughts on Titanfall’s strict multiplayer focus? 5. Do you think that Titanfall’s backstory will play an important role in the game?

6. Have you picked a favorite faction yet? Any favorite characters emerging yet?

7. Titanfall aims to tell its story and expound on its lore via a “multiplayer campaign” that incorporates many of the elements we see in single-player game. What are your thoughts on this?

8. What do you think of Titanfall’s leveling system, customization options, and loadout and perk variety?

9. Do you think Titanfall nailed its look? Does it feel like a cool world you’d like to inhabit?

10. What maps are you most excited to play? What game modes are you most excited to play or would want to see in the game?

If you are not familiar with one of these aspects mentioned in the question, feel free to speculate and talk about what you would like to see.

Let me know if you have any questions.


So, just simply answer them here? On this talk page or what? NinjaFatGuy (talk) 23:03, February 26, 2014 (UTC)
That would be great, thank you.
  1. I think this is going to be a good start for Respawn, especially since Titanfall is getting great reception and is highly anticipated. I think I'll like Titanfall, although, it seems to be a lot similar to Call of Duty to certain extents. Nonetheless, they've taken from what they did with Call of Duty 4 and made it even better.
  2. The Pilots are your basic foot soldiers, but with way more abilities and maneuvers than anything we've really seen. They're able to double jump, wall on runs, parkour and more. Which is going to make Titanfall a fast-paced experience. The weapons seem to be pretty basic, but some of them are enhanced, just like Anti-Titan weapons which will help you take down those Titans.
  3. I think the Titans are something that really turned out great for a game like this. You can control them inside and out, and they have their own asset to weapons and abilities, giving them both an advantage and disadvantage against other Titans and Pilots.
  4. As much as I would like Titanfall more with a single-player experience, I'm fine with multiplayer. I think it will allow people to engage against each other all the time, and the single-player elements and story tie in with the multiplayer, making it more realistic to an extent.
  5. Yes, I think the lore of Titanfall is very interesting. Rather than Call of Duty where you just play a match for fun, you'll be basically going through your own single-player in this, just against real people, so it adds a nice bonus story to help tie in with the whole game.
  6. I don't exactly have a favorite faction, but it seems that the Militia are the "good guys" here. I think both Bish and Sarah will make great characters including their anecdote and role they play.
  7. As I've said before, I think this is actually a great idea. You'll be basically playing a campaign with your friends and fighting against real people, all just in different scenarios. I believe the story is greatly intertwined with that multiplayer experience.
  8. I suppose it is okay. The leveling system is practically the same as Call of Duty, and Regeneration mode is like that of Call of Duty's prestige mode. Along with Tactical Abilities and Kits (= Call of Duty perks). With the very limited amount of attachments for your weapons, I believe it has its own bad side and upside. I'd like to have a full customized character and weapons, but I think Titanfall will limit that anticipation.
  9. The Titanfall world is very unique. I think with the mecha-themed state of the game, I do believe it nailed that look. Now, about living in it, I don't think I'd like constant dropships overhead and giant robots, but that can be debatable upon certain situations.
  10. I'm excited to see and play all of them, and their own features that separate them from other maps. I think Overlook looks pretty interesting, though, with that jungle outpost feel. I'd like to see some more Titan gamemodes rather than Last Titan Standing, and something like Capture the Flag since the Pilots will have a high advantage with their maneuvers. 


Sure, I would be glad to do it. Registered contributor™ 04:18, February 28, 2014 (UTC)

  1. To be honest, I think that Respawn has made a good choice of not developing a modern military shooter that is saturating the market today. I think that Titanfall seems to have many CoD elements to it. However, I think that it is a game that there is too much hype around it because it Microsoft is pushing this game too much. It makes it seem that it is their only major game against Sony.
  2. Pilots are basically what players control once they get in the match. They have high mobility due to their jetpacks and their wall runs, which makes it hard for Titans to kill them. Most of their weapons such as the R-101C makes it excellent for taking out other footsoldiers such as grunts and other pilots. Their anti-Titan weapons makes they have a chance of killing the Titans, and with their sets of parkour moves, it makes it seem like that they have more a chance againts the Titans.
  3. I believe that Titans are a great fit in this game. Respawn allows the players to control the Titan or letting them guard the player. It allows players to choose from playing a twitch shooter and a slower-paced mech shooter. Also, the Titans makes it feel like a true battlefield where epic combat takes place.
  4. I think that Titanfall should've had a single-player because being an EA game, it could crash day one due to the overload of the servers (E.g. SimCity). I don't think that the story won't matter too much because most of the players would look at more at the competitivitiy of the game. I do believe that they would make books or comics to explore the backstory of the world of Titanfall
  5. I feel like the Militia is my faction because they are the rebels, reminding me of Star Wars. My favorite character would have to be Bish, because he looks adorable due to his size.
  6. I think that integrating single player with multiplayer is somewhat revolutionary, but the thing is, I'm not sure that many people will appreciate the story since mostly everyone would rather play it for the competitive side of it.
  7. I think it is average: I seems like CoD. You basically level up, get new items, and start all over again (Prestige). I think that the Burn Cards are a great idea: it gives people a overpowered perk that last one life and one life only. The way that you earn them is good, because completing challenges encourage players to help the team.
  8. I think it looks a little bland to be honest. In Modern Warfare 2, all the colors were bright. However I think that the world seems very fun to be in with all the sci-fi elements.
  9. I am not sure which maps looks the best to play on since we only had a look of only 2 maps. I would love to play Hardpoint because it reminds me of Domination in CoD, which I loved.  Registered contributor™ 04:37, March 1, 2014 (UTC)

Re:Titanfall Essentials

Sure! I would have no problem having it on the main page. Registered contributor™ 01:03, March 9, 2014 (UTC)