User:Sniperstock/How to upload skin images

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Greetings, you have stumbled upon my very cool guide on how to properly upload skins to wikia. The steps go as follow:

Step one

Create a header named "customization" under the "attachments" section of your weapon. If your weapon has been in titanfall 1/2, make sure it's in the apex section and below "attachments" (duh). If it is a weapon exclusive to apex legends, use the header that uses 2 equal signs, like the header above this paragraph. If it is also mentioned in other games, use the header that uses 3 equal signs,

like this

Step two

Start uploading skins. To begin, go to this very cool site. Then, search for the weapon you want to add a skin for. Go to the skins section, and then find the image. Make sure you use google, because for some reason other sites hate you saving images from fandom. Click on the image, and in the top left corner of the box you should find the name of the skin. Click that. It should take you to properties of said image. Look for a place that says "original file". This will take you to a png version of the image. Now, you can right click and save the image.

Step three

With your image now saved, you can finally upload it. For this part, you need to keep a consistent naming scheme. The images should be named "AL [name of weapon/legend] [name of skin]".

Step four

upload! you have now contributed to the wiki. To see how to make a table to fit these skins, just head to User:Sniperstock/How to extend wikitables. Make sure your image is set to be in 300px size. This can be done like this:

[[File:AL skin name|300px|center]]