Town Takeovers (Apex Legends)

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In Apex Legends, Town Takeovers are whenever there are areas on a map which are replaced with another area that revolves around a legend. As of now, there are 6 town takeovers:

Octane's Gauntlet

On the southwestern side of Kings Canyon near salvage, the Gauntlet is an area that contains a vertical ring of fire with one item of high-tier loot in the center. You can obtain this by using one of the 2 Jump Pads the ring is located between. There is also a racing track that encircles the ring, with

Wraith's Labs

This POI is located in the eastern section of Kings Canyon between Swamps, Capacitor, Cage and Hydro Dam. Upon entering, there will be 3 buildings on the surface, with a tower at the end of the POI that displays a portal at the top. There will also be a pair of large doors. These will lead to a series of rooms that show the remains of a project the IMC did, which involved Wraith and inter-dimensional travel. At the very back, there will be a large portal that the player can enter. This portal is connected to the portal that's contained within the tower. Players can also access the portal in the tower when skydiving, and will lead them to the main room. There is also a set of doors in the portal room that go to a tunnel that leads to Capacitor.

Bloodhound's Trials

The Trials are the only Town Takeover currently on World's Edge. This is located in the northwesternmost part of the map, west of Skyhook. When you're on the top, there will be a large pit with a zipline, three crates south of the pit, and a small opening past the pit where you will find three crates that guarantee Sniper/Marksman Rifles. Going inside the pit, there are some weapons, gear and consumables you can take. However, the main task while inside is to defeat the Prowlers that are inside. You can start a wave of prowlers by pressing one of the buttons in the center. It is specific, and some buttons cannot be pressed until you press another one and defeat the wave that button releases. Each time you defeat a wave of prowlers, the next one is larger until you finish the third wave (in which case you've completed the objective of killing all of the prowlers). Every time you finish a wave, one (out of three) caves filled with loot will open. The more waves you defeat, the better the loot from each cave becomes.

Crypto's Map Room


Pathfinder's Fight Night


Caustic Treatment