Titanfall 2 Technical Test

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The subject of this article appears in Titanfall 2. The subject of this article appears in the real world.
Honeycomb@2x.png Under construction
This article, Titanfall 2 Technical Test, is currently under construction and may contain little to inaccurate information for periodical changes.

The Titanfall 2 Pre-Alpha Technical Test was a testing phase of Titanfall 2, available for download for a short time prior to the game's launch. The test ran for two weekends in August 2016, from the 19th to the 22nd, then again from the 26th to the 28th. The technical test was a Pre-Alpha build of Titanfall 2, and was substantially different to the final release - the goal of the test was to stress-test the game's servers and gain player feedback and the game for final release.

Because the test was broken up into two periods, Respawn Entertainment was able to work on feedback between builds and make changes to balancing and mechanics for weekend #2.


The following were available to play in the Technical Test;


Game modes

The model for the Tech Test Grapple Pilot.




Changes from Tech Test to full release

  • In the Technical Test, the Grapple Pilot model used the model of what is now the Phase Shift Pilot.
  • The Pulse Blade character model used the same helmet as Viper.
  • During the Technical Test, the player with the fastest gauntlet completion time was featured in the final release as the Pilot in the #1 position in the gauntlet. The YouTuber Gamesager would achieve this, becoming featured in-game as Pilot G. Sager.


External links