Supply Bin

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In Apex Legends, a Supply Bin is a octagonally shaped container in game which can be opened by a player to obtain a set of items that can be used to improve your chances of survival. These items in the bins are almost always (with some exceptions existing such as the bins on Bloodhound's Trials on World's Edge) randomly generated each game, and a box in a specific area will rarely generate the same loot the next game. These boxes are orange with a white lid.

Some boxes are colored blue rather than orange. This is to signify that they are Extended Supply Bins. Unlike regular ones, these contain an extra compartment (which can only be opened if the player is a Lifeline) that can contain various things such as consumables, gear, etc.


  • The passive to open the second compartment of Extended Supply bins wasn't initially going to be exclusive to Lifeline. Rather, this would be a class passive (much like how the Recon Perk lets all recon legends scan a survey beacon for next zone) given to all Support legends, meaning that Loba would also have this passive.