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Goliath are large creatures found in The Outlands on Talos.



Goliath's are about 3 times as large as an average person, and posses 4 limbs. Their 2 forelimbs are extremely powerful as they use them when they walk or run on their knuckles and are made doubly dangerous due to the spikes it has on its forelimbs as well. Its hands have 4 fingers and 1 thumb with a nail on each digit. Its hind limbs are short but powerful and have claws instead of nails. The Goliath will use its powerful forelimbs and hands to swing at enemies as an attack.


A Goliath's head has 4 eyes and 4 nostrils each as a pair. It has a pair of horns which curve near its mouth as well as having horns on its forehead which it may use to attack anything that gets too close. Its mouth is filled with razor sharp teeth which it uses for killing and eating its prey.


The body of a Goliath is broad and strong however is easily pierced by primitive weaponry such as axes or spears. They have small amounts of fur on their back and stomach which provide little to no protection from the cold or attacks.

Instances involving Goliaths

When Bloodhound was young they were sent to kill a Prowler by Artur, however while tracking the Prowler Bloodhound found it slain already however had not known it was a Goliath that did it. Bloodhound entered an abandoned facility which unknowingly was a Goliath den, Bloodhound was nearly killed by the Goliath but they saved themselves when they used a Charge Rifle to knock it out and severed one of its horns.

Bloodhound returned to their village with the horn which the Goliath tracked when it awoke, when the Goliath entered the village it killed several people including Artur. Angry and seeking revenge Bloodhound went back to the Goliath's den and slew the creature after freezing it with a coolant.
